News & Issues

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19 April 2018
On April 17, 2018, PIPSC President, Debi Daviau and Chief Operating Officer & Executive Secretary, Eddie Gillis outlined the plan to Nix Phoenix.
17 April 2018
Ottawa, April 17, 2018 – In a live town hall exchange today with members of the second-largest union of federal employees, PIPSC President Debi Daviau urged members to demand the government’s ministerial working group on Phoenix engage federal IT workers “at every stage” in build
13 April 2018
Across Canada and around the world today, people are marching for science. Under U.S.
13 April 2018
OTTAWA, April 13, 2018 – Debi Daviau, President of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC), today presented the Institute’s Gold Medal to Dr. John A. Percival to recognize his leadership and advancement of geoscience in Canada and internationally.
11 April 2018
ServicePlus, your member benefit program, will be awarding major prizes to three members who visit the ServicePlus Website during the "Spring Into Summer" contest March 20 to June 1, 2018.
11 April 2018
April 11, 2018, Ottawa, Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Canadians are best served when government scientists can speak openly about their work.
11 April 2018
Canadians are best served by open, accountable and transparent government that builds trust in public institutions.
6 April 2018
Last week I had the opportunity to meet with the National Capital Region Liberal Caucus. I was grateful for the warm reception I received and know that many of the Members of Parliament rearranged their schedules to be able to attend. I used this opportunity to raise PIPSC’s continued concerns with the disastrous Phoenix pay system.
28 March 2018
Ottawa, March 28, 2018 - Earlier this year, the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) conducted an internal survey asking 27,878 of its members entitled to a back pay to tell their union if the Phoenix pay system has correctly paid o
28 March 2018
Earlier this year, PIPSC asked 27,878 membersNote [1]  to tell us if the Phoenix pay system has successfully paid out their retro pay.
20 March 2018
ServicePlus is your member benefits program where you can take advantage of preferential rates, discounts and savings on a variety of products and services available exclusively to members.
20 March 2018
PIPSC and other public sector unions are moving forward on negotiations with the government for compensation or damages and interest on money owed for the undue stress and hardships suffered by their members and caused by the Phoenix pay system.
14 March 2018
Following tremendous pressure on the part of public service bargaining agents, the government has finally introduced some much-needed flexibility in the recovery of overpayments caused by Phoenix.
13 March 2018
A Special General Meeting was held to consider the decision of a Panel of Peers to remove Mr. Peter Taticek from his duties as a Board member.
13 March 2018
The Institute is pleased that the government is taking legislative steps to prevent harassment and violence, including sexual harassment and sexual violence, in federally-regulated workplaces. These steps are much-needed and long-overdue.
7 March 2018
March 8, 2018 marks the 107th anniversary of International Women’s Day, which was first held to commemorate the 1857 strike that led to the formation of the International Ladies Garment Workers Union.
7 March 2018
The results of a 2017 survey of federal scientists and engineers who are PIPSC members reveal challenges that are holding women back from fully contributing their unique perspectives and expertise to federal public science.
7 March 2018
In advance of International Women’s Day, the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) has released a new report that examines the under-representation of women in public sector science and focuses on challenges faced by women pursuing science careers in the federal public service.
28 February 2018
I am pleased to report that yesterday’s federal Budget committed $16M towards the building of an alternative pay system to replace the disastrous Phoenix.
28 February 2018
Hundreds of members of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC), the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) and other unions are gathering in Ottawa today to protest the inability of the federal government to Fix Phoenix.
28 February 2018
Finally we are seeing two long-overdue improvements to the Public Service Health Care Plan (PSHCP): coverage of non-oral contraceptive methods and an electronic system for making vision care and paramedical claims.
27 February 2018
“Our members have overwhelmingly said that Phoenix cannot be fixed and must be nixed; $16M to investigate an alternative to the Phoenix system is a good first step,” said Debi Daviau, President of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC). “It is vital that any new system is built and operated by the government’s own computer systems professionals.”
27 February 2018
With “tax season” fast approaching, the government has recently updated the information available online regarding three types of financial claims linked to the Phoenix pay system: requesting an advance for government benefits; reimbursement for tax advice; and claims for out-of-pocket expenses.
26 February 2018
Debi Daviau, President of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) will be available on February 27, 2018 to provide comment on the 2018 federal budget.
21 February 2018
The Trudeau government has made progress in its efforts to reverse the impacts of muzzling under the previous government, says a new survey report released by the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC). But, says the union that represents over 16,000 federal scientists, engineers and researchers, much more work needs to be done.
21 February 2018
A survey report on federal government efforts to reverse the effects of The Big Chill “I will expect you to work with your colleagues ... to deliver on your top priorities:
20 February 2018
In this 15-minute video, representatives from the EWSP Advisory Team will walk you through the background of the program, how the ongoing work is getting done and the progress that has already been made.
20 February 2018
Last week I was invited to meet with the Cabinet level working group on the Phoenix pay system to discuss potential solutions. I last met with the Cabinet committee in June 2017 and since then we have sadly seen little to no progress – in fact the problems continue to mount.
16 February 2018
While work to replace Phoenix with the NextGen HR-to-Pay system is underway, you may still be dealing with pay errors. Take steps now to ensure your case is addressed:
16 February 2018
As the second anniversary of the launch of the Phoenix pay system approaches, 17 unions representing over 225,000 federal public service workers have sent a joint letter of demands to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
12 February 2018
On February 7, 2018, PIPSC Vice-President Stéphane Aubry and Special Advisor to the President Emily Watkins testified before the Standing Senate Committee on National Finance about the Phoenix pay system’s impact on Institute members.
12 February 2018
On February 6, 2018 PIPSC President Debi Daviau led a dozen-strong Institute delegation to Ottawa’s Parliament Hill as part of the Canadian Labour Congress’ (CLC) annual Lobby Day.
9 February 2018
February 5, 2018 The 55 unions represented on the Canadian Council of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) recognize without exception that when one of our affiliates is attacked, our movement is attacked.
7 February 2018
Despite much public controversy surrounding it over the past few months, Bill C-27, which would make it easier for employers to convert existing employee Defined Benefit (or DB) pension plans to so-called Target Benefit (or TB) plans, remains at the First Reading stage in Parliament. That means it could still become law if nothing is done to stop it.
1 February 2018
PIPSC is proud to salute and celebrate the legacy, the courage and the contribution of the Black community.