
12 October 2018
Here are the bargaining proposals that were exchanged between the SP Group and Treasury Board.
25 September 2018
Electronic exchange of non-monetary proposals took place on September 12, 2018 between the SP Group and the Treasury Board Secretariat.
17 September 2018
Hello, SP Members! Just like parents are getting kids ready for school, the bargaining team spent the last days of August getting ready to start face-to-face bargaining with Treasury Board Secretariat in October.
20 August 2018
An equity analysis of the SP Group’s collective agreement identified part-time members as potentially experiencing work- and union-related issues differently from full-time members. As a result, the bargaining team is seeking to get feedback from members who work part-time.
7 August 2018
With our collective agreement expiring September 30, 2018, it is now time to bring the word “Bargaining” into our conversations. The Bargaining Team has met twice since the Bargaining Conference and wants to update you on our progress so far.
21 June 2018
MINUTES / COMPTE RENDU SP Executive Meeting / Rencontre de l’exécutif SP May 26th, 2017 / 26 Mai 2017 Presence / Absence --- Présences / Absences Daniel Ingram (PRA/NWT – PRA/TNO) P Norma Domey (NCR – RCN) P
18 June 2018
MINUTES / COMPTE RENDU SP Executive Meeting / Rencontre de l’exécutif SP April 10, 2017 / 10 Avril, 2017 Presence / Absence --- Présences / Absences Daniel Ingram (PRA/NWT – PRA/TNO)    P    Norma Domey (NCR – RCN)    P
14 June 2018
MINUTES / COMPTE RENDU SP Executive Meeting / Rencontre de l’exécutif SP November 16, 2017 / 16 novembre, 2017 Presence / Absence --- Présences / Absences Daniel Ingram (PRA/NWT – PRA/TNO) (Note, attended via conference call from 9-11am, 2-4pm)  P
14 June 2018
The new SP Executive held elections for the various roles at its first meeting on June 9, 2018 – here are the results: President - Elizabeth Ptasznik Vice-President - Daniel Ingram Secretary - Marcel C. Beaudoin Treasurer - Donald Lefebvre
13 June 2018
MINUTES / COMPTE RENDU SP Executive Meeting / Rencontre de l’exécutif SP Jan 14th, 2017 Presence / Absence --- Présences / Absences Daniel Ingram (PRA/NWT – PRA/TNO) P   Norma Domey (NCR – RCN)  P Elizabeth Ptasznik (PRA/NWT – PRA/TNO)  P
13 June 2018
Applied Science and Patent Examination (SP) Group Annual General Meeting Saturday June 11, 2016 Lac-Leamy, Gatineau 9.0 AM – 4:30 PM Minutes
22 May 2018
Hello SP Stewards, For your information, please find attached the 2018 SP Steward Report that I presented at the 2018 SP AGM. Thank you as always for the work you do on behalf of our members and our union. Sincerely, Elizabeth Ptasznik
18 May 2018
MINUTES / COMPTE RENDU SP Executive Meeting / Rencontre de l’exécutif SP January 20, 2018 / 20 janvier 2018 Presence / Absence --- Présences / Absences
18 May 2018
MINUTES / COMPTE RENDU SP Executive Meeting / Rencontre de l’exécutif SP January 19, 2018 / 19 janvier 2018 Presence / Absence --- Présences / Absences
15 May 2018
This year's AGM will be held November 2nd and 3rd at the Hilton Lac Leamy. The AGM is a gathering of the full membership of PIPSC as represented by delegates whose purpose is to review and set the policy direction of the Institute.
11 May 2018
Members are encouraged to keep in contact with their representative Sub-Groups and their stewards for information, mobilization ideas, and to communicate their goals and concerns to their bargaining team.
11 May 2018
SP AGM May 27, 2017
4 May 2018
The SP Group Executive has approved the selection of your 2018 Bargaining Team based on recommendations from the SP Group’s Negotiator and the SP Bargaining Coordinator.
24 April 2018
This is your last chance to put forward your application to participate in the 2018 SP Bargaining Conference to be held June 1-2, 2018 in Ottawa. Please click the link for more information and the application form
20 April 2018
The 2018 SP Election concluded on April 19, 2018 at 12:00 noon Eastern Time. The results following the tabulation of the electronic ballots are as follows:
18 April 2018
Have your voice heard! You have until noon, Thursday, April 19, 2018 to cast your vote.
6 April 2018
SP Group Annual General Meeting Delta Hotel Ottawa City Center Richelieu - Frontenac Room April 7th, 2018
5 April 2018
Have your voice heard! Today is your last chance to complete the bargaining survey.
22 March 2018
Your Collective Agreement expires on September 30, 2018. The results of this bargaining questionnaire, along with the input from members who will be attending the bargaining conference, will enable your Negotiating Team to determine the issues to be addressed during the upcoming round.
22 March 2018
The bargaining survey will be sent out by tomorrow via e-mail. Please fill it in order for your bargaining team to be fully aware of your concerns. Contact Brigitte Jolin at if you don’t receive it by March 28, 2018.
19 March 2018
Following the close of nominations on March 1, 2018, the following members have been nominated for positions to serve as representatives on the SP National Executive.
9 March 2018
Fellow members of the AV,CS,NR, RE, SH and SP Groups: Your respective collective agreements stipulate that vacation and compensatory leave earned during the previous fiscal year and outstanding on a certain date (most commonly March 31st) is to be automatically cashed-out.
12 February 2018
Further to the Call for Nominations published on January 30, 2018 on the SP website please see the following updates and corrections below.
6 February 2018
Notice of AGM, call for delegate applications and proposed amendments to SP Group constitution and by-laws The 2018 SP Annual General Meeting (AGM), your forum to provide direction to your Executive, will be held in the National Capital Region on 
1 February 2018
30 January 2018
15 January 2018
As you know, we are back to the bargaining table this year, as our current collective agreement expires at the end of September 2018.
21 December 2017
The National Executive is pleased to announce that the 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Applied Science and Patent Examination (SP) Group will be held on Saturday, April 7th. Details related to location and delegate selection will be made available in the coming months.
20 December 2017
According to our SP constitution, a member who wants to submit a by-law amendment or resolution at the 2018 AGM must send it in writing to the Executive. CHANGES TO Group BY-LAWS
13 October 2017
During the recent SP Sub-Group Presidents meeting in Québec City, PIPSC was asked to provide you with the formula to calculate your biweekly rate of pay in order to help you determine if you are paid at the right rate.
1 September 2017
Fellow members in the CS, RE, SH and SP Groups, Your respective collective agreements currently stipulate that compensatory leave earned during the previous fiscal year and outstanding on September 30, 2017 is to be automatically cashed-out.