News & Issues

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3 November 2018
Members can be proud of what PIPSC has accomplished over the past year. Members can also be proud of what they do every day for Canadians.  Others deserve to know and celebrate what PIPSC members do.
3 November 2018
President Debi Daviau introduced the Board motion to create Professionals Canada:
2 November 2018
President Debi Daviau presented awards to five deserving Institute members for their exemplary and inspiring leadership, and thanked the members of the Award Selection Panel – Chair Bert Crossman, Ralph Herman, and Nita Saville – for reviewing the nominations and for recommending these laureates.
2 November 2018
Our 99th AGM is a pivotal one for the Institute. The theme of this year’s AGM is “Crossroads” – the delegates are facing a historic decision about the direction of the Institute beyond its 100th anniversary.
2 November 2018
President Debi Daviau gave a vibrant bilingual address. Of the many accomplishments over the past year, many were the result of long-term planning and many were the result of vital relationships built and maintained over time, and strengthened by both setbacks and success.
2 November 2018
At 10:15 a.m. Steve Kreisberg delivered the keynote address. Steve is the Director of Research and Collective Bargaining Services with A.F.S.C.M.E. – the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.
2 November 2018
At 8:30 a.m. sharp on Friday, November 2, 2018, AGM Co-Chairs Marilyn Best and Richard East called the 99th Annual General Meeting to order with a warm welcome to the 458 delegates.
30 October 2018
The Canadian Labour Congress, labour and community leaders will react to the federal government’s announcement of proactive pay equity legislation at a news conference on Parliament Hill on Wednesday.
25 October 2018
ServicePlus is pleased to announce our new partnership with GoodLife Fitness.
19 October 2018
Members have until 12:00 PM ET on November 2nd to submit online or mail in ballots.
18 October 2018
Fighting for the retirement security of its members, and for all Canadians, is a top priority for the Institute. I would like to update you on where we stand on this critical issue at this time.
17 October 2018
The Institute is pleased to announce the Bargaining Team, appointed by President Debi Daviau, who will be responsible for negotiating the transition of the RCMP Civilian Members into the six Core Public Administration collective agreements with Treasury Board.
15 October 2018
As a part of our response to The Government of Canada’s move to open workplace design, we conducted a random survey of members to learn more about their experiences.
12 October 2018
As bargaining season is upon us we are Better Together. Building on our success with Work Force Adjustment and our excellent progress with the Employee Wellness Support Program, representatives from the eighteen (18) groups* under the Treasury Board have joined forces to negotiate common issues at a central bargaining table.
11 October 2018
PIPSC and it’s 4,000 members across the B.C./Yukon region endorse the call last week by B.C.’s Professional Employees Association (PEA) to restore s
11 October 2018
The news last week that the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) has won major improvements to its members’ dental plan has prompted many PIPSC members to ask if they can soon expect similar improvements.
10 October 2018
Everyone is talking about the future of work and most of it is alarming. A growing number of workers face the harsh reality of working in non-unionized, temporary and precarious conditions.
10 October 2018
What is the Professionals Canada proposal at the AGM and why should I support it? The board strongly endorsed a resolution to this year's AGM for the establishment of a new labour organization.
5 October 2018
On September 19th the federal government officially began the process to replace Phoenix. Scott Brison, Treasury Board president, announced a procurement process to plan, design and purchase a new system suggesting a Spring 2019 implementation.
5 October 2018
TABLE OF CONTENTS Agenda Rules of Procedure for PIPSC AGM
5 October 2018
Resolutions - Amendments to Institute By-Laws Resolutions - Policy Non-Budgetary R
5 October 2018
Apply to join the RCMP-CM Bargaining Conference, November 21-22 in the National Capital Region! Interested CMs from across Canada are invited to apply to attend the conference.
2 October 2018
Candidate Profiles for the PIPSC 2018 National Election are now available!
1 October 2018
Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW) is an annual national public education campaign coordinated by the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health (CAMIMH) designed to help open the eyes of Canadians to the reality of mental illness.
28 September 2018
This week, Canadians marked our first Gender Equality Week. On June 21st, 2018 Bill C-309 was passed legislating the fourth week in September as Canada’s annual Gender Equality Week.
28 September 2018
As the federal Finance Committee prepares for cross-country public hearings on next year’s Budget, the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) has released a fact sheet showing 72% of Canadians agree “in the next federal budget, funding for federal government science programs should be restored to what it was in 2011.” The finding, by Environics Research, is significant since overall funding for federal government science is in fact lower today than it was under the Harper government, in particular for research and development (R&D).
27 September 2018
Canadians want federal science funding restored to 2011 levels. According to 2016 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development figures (the most recent available), Canada ranks 21 out of 27 OECD countries in the amount it reports spending on science.
21 September 2018
The Canadian Alliance of Nuclear Workers (CANW) is calling on the Government of Canada to end uncertainty for nuclear workers by reinstating their right to contribute to public service pension plans.
20 September 2018
PIPSC and the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) celebrated the renewal of their collective agreement on July 23rd, 2018. The renegotiation of this agreement took place entirely on First Nations land and included Elders supporting the work with prayer, wisdom and input.
17 September 2018
Because the Institute believes firmly that informed data should be used to effect change, we support full participation by our members in the 2018 PSES.
14 September 2018
The Institute’s submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance regarding the 2019-20 Pre-Budget Consultation is now available online. 
13 September 2018
If you are interested in participating as Chair, Member or Friend on a standing committee of the Board for 2019, you are invited to submit your expression of interest by completing the prescribed form and sending it to by the deadline of Friday, October 5, 2018.
10 September 2018
The Government of Canada has begun to move to open office workplace design in some offices across the country. There are PIPSC members already working in this type of office and others whose offices will soon be converted.
3 September 2018
Today we join with workers and unions across the world in celebration of the accomplishments and resistance of workers! In that light, and as the ongoing struggle with Phoenix persists, PIPSC is demanding action from the Federal Government.
30 August 2018
Across the country PIPSC members have been participating in Pride Parades as allies and members of LGBTQ2+ communities.
30 August 2018
OTTAWA, August 30, 2018 – What’s a “reasonable time to wait for a replacement to the Phoenix pay system to be implemented”?