Central Bargaining - Strength in Numbers - Update #3

The PIPSC Central Table Bargaining Team met with Treasury Board representatives from January 29 - 31, 2019 and engaged in a constructive discussion.

Treasury Board tabled updates to their proposals on the Family Leave and Benefits, Union Dues - Other Deductions and Workforce Adjustment. The Treasury Board made two presentations in response to the proposals which were tabled by PIPSC on Pay Administration and Harassment.

Both parties have begun discussions on the general economic increase.

The next bargaining dates are scheduled for March 26 - 28, 2019.

PIPSC Central Bargaining Team members: Mehran Alaee, RE; Adam Fenwick, SH; Stéphanie Fréchette, CFIA-S&A; Dale Hudson, NR; Kim McGuire, AV; Louis Poirier, NRC-RO/RCO; Elizabeth Ptasznik, SP; Robert Scott (Bargaining Coordinator), CS; Robert Trudeau, AFS; Suzelle Brosseau and Pierre Ouellet, PIPSC negotiators.

February 1,  2019