OC Transpo Tragedy

The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) extends its heartfelt condolences to the victims, families and friends affected by last week’s OC Transpo accident at Westboro station in Ottawa, along with our hopes that those injured are able to recover soon.

We also recognize that such tragedies affect many people within our community beyond those directly affected and can contribute to mental as well as physical distress. If, as a result, you or someone you know requires assistance, we encourage you to contact one of the community services below.

Confidential, 24/7 assistance and crisis counselling are also available to PIPSC members through your Employment Assistance Services (EAS) at the following numbers:

1-800-268-7708 or 1-800-567-5803 (for persons with a hearing impairment).

Source: PIPSC Mental Health Resources Guide.

Distress Centre Ottawa

Ottawa Public Health

Members who have difficulty connecting with these resources can contact us directly at Ask Us.

Members who wish to extend their condolences can do so at the City of Ottawa’s Twitter address.