News & Issues

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17 August 2018
Canadians who think it’s easier for the rich and corporations to avoid paying taxes have compelling new evidence to support their suspicions. Nine out of 10 Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) tax professionals surveyed by PIPSC agree “it is easier for corporations and wealthy individuals to evade and/or avoid tax responsibilities than it is for average Canadians.” That’s even more than the 79% of Canadians who agreed with the same statement in an Environics Research poll.
17 August 2018
Professional Integrity, Workplace Satisfaction and Tax Fairness Download PowerPoint version
7 August 2018
Bargaining teams are being convened, member surveys are being conducted, and priorities are emerging, both for individual Groups and PIPSC overall. In short, all Groups should be in a position to begin bargaining by the end of the year.
7 August 2018
Building on the tremendous solidarity established in the last round of negotiations, our 16 Treasury Board groups are busy preparing for a new round of bargaining that is scheduled to begin in the coming months. 
2 August 2018
In accordance with By-Laws 20.3, 20.4, 21.4, and 21.5, there have been several changes in the composition of the Board of Directors due to a leave of absence and resignations. Sean O’Reilly, Acting Vice-President (Full-Time) while Shannon Bittman is on a leave of absence.
2 August 2018
With some regret, the Institute has accepted Del Dickson’s resignation as NCR Director on the PIPSC Board of Directors. PIPSC would like to thank Mr. Dickson for his 5.5 years as NCR Director as well as his years as a dedicated Steward and Legacy Foundation Director and Champion.
30 July 2018
Download the PDF version of the nomination form.
30 July 2018
On May 21, 2020, RCMP civilian members (CM) will be deemed appointed under the Public Service Employment Act and will be included in the Treasury Board occupational groups.
30 July 2018
The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) is delighted with the announcement that the federal government accepts the model Scientific Integrity policy originally proposed by our members and amended through subsequent consultation.
30 July 2018
1. Effective date 1.1.   This policy takes effect on TBD
23 July 2018
On June 20, 2018, we organized three webinar information sessions for the RCMP Civilian Members (CMs) who, following a decision from the Federal Labour Board on April 13, 2018, have been included in our union.
17 July 2018
It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Frances Goodspeed, the first woman president of PIPSC (1961-1962) on June 27, 2018.
22 June 2018
With some regret, and in order to take advantage of timely professional opportunities, Vice President Shirley Friesen will be leaving her position with the Institute.   PIPSC would like to thank Ms.
20 June 2018
June is National Indigenous History month and June 21st, National Indigenous Peoples Day (NIPD), is a special moment to celebrate First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples in Canada.
19 June 2018
The Institute’s Legacy Foundation would like to remind you that the deadline to submit a scholarship application is July 13, 2018. In 2018, the Foundation will award the following scholarships:
15 June 2018
Debi Daviau, President of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) and Treasury Board President Scott Brison, have announced today that they will collaborate using evidence to secure a new, transparent, accurate and integrated, end-to-end HR to pay system.
15 June 2018
As the joint communiqué released today between Treasury Board President Scott Brison and myself shows, there is new progress to report on our efforts to replace the dysfunctional Phoenix pay system.
8 June 2018
On behalf of The Professional Institute, I applaud your accomplishments. Thank you for your professionalism, dedication, and continuing to do your job, on behalf of Canadians, even when knowing you may not be paid correctly, if at all.
1 June 2018
On Thursday, May 24, 2018, you received an email from the PIPSC eMail Migration Team with a unique 6-digit temporary password. Regrettably, Google requires a minimum 8-character password. As such, we have now added 99 at the end of each password previously sent out.
30 May 2018
There should be nothing “incomprehensible” about the failure of the Phoenix pay system.
29 May 2018
PIPSC welcomes its RCMP members in the Edmonton area to an information session:
28 May 2018
The Spring Reports of the Auditor General of Canada will be tabled in the House of Commons on Tuesday, 29 May 2018. The Spring Reports include the AG second and much-awaited report on Phoenix Pay System.
23 May 2018
Next month’s election in Ontario is vital. As public service professionals, it’s important that we think about which parties are going to increase public services and which ones are going to decrease them.
15 May 2018
DATE – November 2-3, 2018 LOCATION – NCR, Gatineau, QC HOST HOTEL / MEETING LOCATION – Hilton Lac Leamy, Gatineau, QC
11 May 2018
Earlier this year, we invited members to share their stories about how they’ve been impacted by the Phoenix pay system.
11 May 2018
On behalf of PIPSC members, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Chris Aylward as newly elected National President for the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC).
10 May 2018
On March 29, 2018, Treasury Board Secretariat released the results of the 2017 Public Service Employee Survey. Conducted every three years, the survey measures federal public servants' opinions on various aspects of their workplace.
10 May 2018
In response to the growing requests for help from PIPSC members, the union is assigning additional resources to deal with Phoenix-related issues.
9 May 2018
Last month, I had the opportunity to represent PIPSC and the Canadian labour movement at the Labour 7 (L-7) summit in Ottawa. This was a preparatory meeting hosted by the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) leading up to the G-7 meeting this summer in Québec.
8 May 2018
Happy National Nursing Week to all nursing professionals across Canada!
7 May 2018
Every May for the last 67 years, Canadians in communities, schools, workplaces and the House of Commons have joined forces to #GETLOUD by speaking out and challenging the stigma and discrimination that too often accompany mental illness.
7 May 2018
Delegate Count by Group and Region as of December 31st 2017 - Regular and Retired Members Printer Friendly Version in PDF
7 May 2018
DATE – November 2-3, 2018 LOCATION – NCR, Gatineau, QC  
24 April 2018
A large group of RCMP Civilian Members have finally become unionized. 
24 April 2018
Like all Canadians, members of the Institute are shocked by the senseless deaths and horrific injuries that occurred yesterday afternoon in Toronto. Our thoughts are with the victims and their families.