News & Issues

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5 February 2019
Members of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) will be on Parliament Hill today to meet with Canada’s Parliamentarians on issues of critical importance to the delivery of public services – restoring Canada’s public science capacity, reducing over-reliance on the outsourcing of government services, ensuring the integrity of the country’s tax system, and replacing the troubled Phoenix pay system.
4 February 2019
On Tuesday February 5, members of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) will be on Parliament Hill in Ottawa to meet with Canada’s Parliamentarians on issues of critical importance to the delivery of public services – restoring Canada’s public science capacity, reducing over-reliance on the outsourcing of government services, ensuring the integrity of the country’s tax system, and replacing the troubled Phoenix pay system.
4 February 2019
As the National Film Board of Canada’s Curator for the Photo Library Collection, Claude Lord’s job is to store, preserve and share the NFB’s photography collection. “Canadians discover their country and fellow Canadians through our films,” says Claude. I’m really proud of my work, because I’m helping to preserve the collective memory of Canadian society.”
3 February 2019
Not a lot of Canadians have heard of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT). Andrew Wigmore admits he didn’t know much about it either, before he applied to work there.
25 January 2019
It's been more than one year since PIPSC officially called the government to Nix Phoenix. Things on that front are finally moving in the right direction to engage with the most important “Users”, the federal employees.
15 January 2019
The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) extends its heartfelt condolences to the victims, families and friends affected by last week’s OC Transpo accident at Westboro station in Ottawa, along with our hopes that those injured are able to recover soon.
9 January 2019
The RCMP CM Bargaining Conference was held in Ottawa, November 21 and 22, 2018. Every civilian member that registered for the conference was invited to participate. Over two full days, participants from Newfoundland to British Columbia worked alongside members of the Negotiation Team to review issues and concerns, and to develop options and strategies for negotiations to protect existing benefits.
11 December 2018
On November 26, Bill C-62, a Bill aimed at repealing two blatantly anti-labour pieces of legislation introduced by the former Harper government, was adopted (received Royal Assent).
11 December 2018
The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) represents some 60,000 public service professionals across the country, the majority of which are employed by the federal government. The Institute appreciates this opportunity to participate in this important public consultation on anti-racism in Canada.
10 December 2018
This document represents a high level summary of the differences between existing RCMP Terms and Conditions of Employment, and comparable provisions within the six collective agreements for PIPSC members employed by Treasury Board in the Core Public Administration groups
10 December 2018
On November 28, PIPSC - BC/Yukon Region - Yukon Branch demonstrated support for fellow unionists of PSCAC YEU who are on strike in Whitehorse. The branch made a generous donation of $1000 to support PSAC Many Rivers’ counsellors and staff.  
5 December 2018
The PIPSC 2019 Young Workers Forum is taking place on Friday, February 15th and Saturday, February 16th, 2019 in Gatineau, Quebec.
4 December 2018
While PIPSC, alongside our union partners at the National Joint Council Dental Care Board of Management, is still negotiating hard to improve the majority of our members’ dental plan (NJC Component 55555), I am very pleased to announce that we have nailed down the following significant improvemen
4 December 2018
In order to improve the efficiency of negotiations the PIPSC Central Bargaining Team electronically exchanged proposals with Treasury Board on November 2, 2018.
4 December 2018
Here are the bargaining proposals that were exchanged between the PIPSC Central Bargaining Table and Treasury Board.
3 December 2018
A large majority of Canadians (77%) agree “It would be a good investment for the Government of Canada to allocate more resources towards preventing tax evasion and avoidance,” according to a recent Environics Research poll commissioned by PIPSC. Earlier this year, PIPSC surveyed thousands of its members who work at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and found 84% agree with the same statement. The findings are contained in our second of three reports, release today.
3 December 2018
December 6 is the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women in Canada. This day has been marked for 30 years to honour and remember the fourteen young women who were murdered in an act of gender-based violence at l'École Polytechnique de Montréal.
3 December 2018
Shell Game: How Offshore Havens, Loopholes, and Federal Cost-Cutting Undermine Tax Fairness, A Survey
2 December 2018
Our Phoenix help team is available here to support you.  To best serve you, please fill out the below form.  Requests from members with zero pay or experiencing significant financial hardship are given priority. 
30 November 2018
16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence is an international campaign to end violence against girls, women (cisgender and transgender) and gender-diverse people.
23 November 2018
“It’s time to finally turn the page on a sombre time for Canada’s labour movement as a whole, and the federal public service in particular,” said Debi Daviau in her opening presentation.
20 November 2018
On October 29th the Federal Government announced proactive pay equity legislation which would require federally regulated workplaces to examine their compensation practices and ensure that women and men receive equal pay for equal work.
19 November 2018
The Bargaining Team held our first meeting in Ottawa from Thursday November 8 to Saturday November 10, 2018, and had a busy three days establishing the foundation for effective negotiations with the Employer:
15 November 2018
On November 20, workplaces and communities across Canada and around the world will take the time to observe Transgender Day of Remembrance and commemorate those individuals who have lost their lives or faced violence and discrimination due to transphobia.
9 November 2018
"Never underestimate the motivation of the forces that are fighting our unions." Steven Kreisberg, AFSCME The theme of the 99th AGM was “Crossroads,” alluding to the choice that lies before PIPSC and the labour movement. 
7 November 2018
It is with sadness that we announce the passing of Iris Craig November 4, 2018.  One of the Institute’s longest-serving Presidents, Iris Craig was first elected President on January 1, 1986 and retired on December 31, 1993. At that time, PIPSC represented 34,000 members under 52 separate occupational groups under 13 different employers.
5 November 2018
Members of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) on November 3 concluded their Annual General Meeting, and weeks of voting, by announcing the re-election of Debi Daviau as PIPSC President for a further three-year term.
3 November 2018
At  6:03 p.m. on Saturday, November 3, 2018, President Debi Daviau returned to the podium to give her closing remarks.
3 November 2018
On behalf of the PIPSC 2018 National Elections Committee and Committee Chair Jim McMillan,  Elections Committee member Stephan Moushian presented to the AGM the report of the results of the 2018 PIPSC National Elections
3 November 2018
PIPSC President and Legacy Foundation Chair Debi Daviau thanked the members in all the Regions for their fundraising efforts and contributions to the Legacy Foundation.
3 November 2018
Delegates viewed a video update on the Institute’s Legacy Foundation, including brief profiles of this year’s scholarship laureates.  
3 November 2018
In 2019, Canadians – including some 270,000 federal public employees – will vote in Canada’s 43rd federal election. This election matters in many ways to many of us. It matters to you. It matters to other Canadians. It matters to unions.
3 November 2018
The “Steward of the Year” award acknowledges those who have gone “above and beyond” their duties to assist members and who have made extraordinary contributions to the Institute. On video, Regional Directors introduced their Stewards of the Year. 
3 November 2018
The Professional Institute has undertaken to support women in science through the Science Advisory Committee’s 2017-19 Strategic Plan.
3 November 2018
During lunch and health breaks, members benefited from the presence of our ServicePlus partners to learn about products and services available to them at advantageous rates.
3 November 2018
On Friday evening, PIPSC and the BC/Yukon Region hosted a reception for all delegates to share some stimulating entertainment and unique flavours enjoyed on Canada’s West coast.