Chief Science Advisor’s 2018 Report Highlights Collaboration with PIPSC

The Chief Science Advisor of Canada, Dr. Mona Nemer, recently released her 2018 Annual Report, in which she highlights the close working relationship she enjoys with the Professional Institute.

Dr. Nemer is particularly proud of our joint work on the Model Policy on Scientific Integrity, which provides a framework for science-based decision-making in the federal government, and guidelines for the unmuzzled public discussion of the research our members are conducting.

As the Report elegantly summarizes: “Communication of science is vital to ensuring an informed citizenry and healthy and engaged society.  It underpins our democratic processes.  Yet moving science from the field or lab and into the public discourse requires considerable time, effort and resources. It is important that researchers understand their obligations to convey the results of their work and participate in public dissemination of their research”.

The Chief Science Advisor is also committed to supporting the federal science workforce on matters of critical importance to thousands of PIPSC members: “(…) significant effort will be required to chart workforce dynamics, bring disparate information sources together, and collect new qualitative and quantitative information for developing effective strategies for workforce renewal, ensuring equity, and supporting career and continuous skills development”.

PIPSC is honoured to work with Dr. Nemer and her staff.  We look forward to many more years of fruitful collaboration on issues of vital interest not only to our members, but to all Canadians.