Stand up to Doug Ford’s attacks on labour rights

PIPSC President Jennifer Carr issued the following statement in reaction to the Ford government’s unprecedented attack on labour rights in Ontario:

“What Doug Ford is doing is an unprecedented attack on labour rights in Ontario. Make no mistake – if he succeeds in invoking the notwithstanding clause to avoid bargaining with CUPE, he will do that every time he finds anyone’s constitutional rights to be inconvenient to his agenda.

The precedent Doug Ford is setting will be used by every right-wing provincial and federal government to ignore their obligations to bargain fairly. These actions will erode our hard-won rights – not just the right to collective bargaining, but every right enshrined in the Charter.

I want to be clear that this is part of a clear anti-union agenda from this government. Hundreds of PIPSC members continue to reel from Bill 124, which freezes public sector wage increases to 1% per year. This doesn’t just disrespect the hard work of frontline workers by limiting their wages in the face of skyrocketing inflation, it violates our Charter-protected rights to bargain collectively. This is why we’re part of a coalition that is challenging Bill 124 in court – and why we stand with CUPE workers today.

All Canadians must stand up to Doug Ford and stand in solidarity with our fellow workers at CUPE. I urge everyone to join local rallies in support of CUPE members, write to their representatives, and pressure Doug Ford to abandon his unconstitutional attack on workers and return to the negotiating table.

Generations of Canadians have fought bravely to protect our rights and freedoms from government overreach. It’s now our turn to stand up to Doug Ford and his attempt to trample on our Charter rights.”

3 May 2019
On behalf of all PIPSC members, I want to express our support and encouragement to our fellow members and all of those currently affected by the extensive flooding across the country. Many of our members have been directly impacted as a result of the flooding and evacuations.

20 March 2019
It’s hard not to see the latest federal budget as a pre-election platform. It’s equally hard not to see it as a progress report on the “real change” promised during the last election.

5 March 2019
Protecting our members’ pensions remains a top priority for PIPSC. On February 26, 2019 CRPEG President Jonathan Fitzpatrick was joined by Canadian Alliance of Nuclear Workers (CANW) representatives Steven Schumann and Matt Wayland  in a meeting with three members of the Opposition on Parliament Hill. The issue: the return of Canadian Nuclear Laboratories workers into a public service pension plan.

28 February 2019
The news this week that it will take a further three to five years to clean up the Phoenix backlog, and 10 or more years to stabilize the system, makes it obvious that on the third anniversary of the launch of the Phoenix pay system we should be laser-focused on implementing its replacement as soon as possible.

21 February 2019
On Tuesday February 5th PIPSC members were on Parliament Hill to discuss the importance of the critical public services we deliver to Canadians. A delegation of close to 30 members, representing a range of Groups and Regions, met with over 30 Parliamentarians. It was a unique opportunity to bring key priorities directly to the decision makers.

20 February 2019
PIPSC recently submitted comments to Finance Canada’s public consultation into draft legislative proposals related to salary overpayments.