Stand up to Doug Ford’s attacks on labour rights

PIPSC President Jennifer Carr issued the following statement in reaction to the Ford government’s unprecedented attack on labour rights in Ontario:

“What Doug Ford is doing is an unprecedented attack on labour rights in Ontario. Make no mistake – if he succeeds in invoking the notwithstanding clause to avoid bargaining with CUPE, he will do that every time he finds anyone’s constitutional rights to be inconvenient to his agenda.

The precedent Doug Ford is setting will be used by every right-wing provincial and federal government to ignore their obligations to bargain fairly. These actions will erode our hard-won rights – not just the right to collective bargaining, but every right enshrined in the Charter.

I want to be clear that this is part of a clear anti-union agenda from this government. Hundreds of PIPSC members continue to reel from Bill 124, which freezes public sector wage increases to 1% per year. This doesn’t just disrespect the hard work of frontline workers by limiting their wages in the face of skyrocketing inflation, it violates our Charter-protected rights to bargain collectively. This is why we’re part of a coalition that is challenging Bill 124 in court – and why we stand with CUPE workers today.

All Canadians must stand up to Doug Ford and stand in solidarity with our fellow workers at CUPE. I urge everyone to join local rallies in support of CUPE members, write to their representatives, and pressure Doug Ford to abandon his unconstitutional attack on workers and return to the negotiating table.

Generations of Canadians have fought bravely to protect our rights and freedoms from government overreach. It’s now our turn to stand up to Doug Ford and his attempt to trample on our Charter rights.”

11 February 2019
On February 6, 2019, PIPSC President Debi Daviau and Steward Éric Massey, Nurse at the Archambault Institution in Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines, Quebec appeared before the Senate Standing Committee on Human Rights to discuss the issues faced by our members at correctional institutions across Canada, in particular those of our health care services members (SH Group).

16 January 2019
The federal government has just announced that it is proposing new measures to help correct the wide-ranging issue of employees having to repay the gross instead of the net amount of a salary overpayment caused by system, administrative or clerical errors. This is particularly significant for PIPSC members: tens of thousands of you have experienced this problem first-hand thanks to the calamitous Phoenix system.

15 January 2019
The New Year will see the Institute continue to be very active in defending the interests of its members, and I would like to take this opportunity to keep you informed of some of the key issues we will be facing over the next twelve months.

11 January 2019
Like many Canadians, I was sorry to learn yesterday that Treasury Board President and Minister of Digital Government Scott Brison is leaving Cabinet and will not be seeking re-election later this year.

4 December 2018
While PIPSC, alongside our union partners at the National Joint Council Dental Care Board of Management, is still negotiating hard to improve the majority of our members’ dental plan (NJC Component 55555), I am very pleased to announce that we have nailed down the following significant improvemen

30 November 2018
Earlier this year, in its 2018 Budget, the federal government announced its intention to replace the catastrophic Phoenix pay system with a new, functional alternative.