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14 December 2018
As Treasury Board was not fully ready to discuss and negotiate your Group’s proposal and its offer, it was mutually agreed to cancel the December meeting and reconvene in the beginning of the new year (January 16 to 18, 2019).
13 December 2018
I am writing to you today to give you a 6 month President Report and a Christmas Message for 2018. On June 1st 2018, I took office as the new President, after serving the previous three years as the Vice-President of the AV Group.
12 December 2018
Our latest collective agreement includes establishing a remote nursing sub-committee. The purpose of the committee is to inquire into the circumstances that lead to concerns about administrative or operational inequities experienced by nurses in remote stations as compared to nurses working in other locations of the employer.
12 December 2018
In crafting its proposal, the Institute recognized the priority the Government has placed on science and research, their inclusion in decision-making, and strengthening the support for fundamental research. We also recognized the priority it has placed on diversity, gender equity, and young Canadians.
11 December 2018
On November 26, Bill C-62, a Bill aimed at repealing two blatantly anti-labour pieces of legislation introduced by the former Harper government, was adopted (received Royal Assent).
11 December 2018
The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) represents some 60,000 public service professionals across the country, the majority of which are employed by the federal government. The Institute appreciates this opportunity to participate in this important public consultation on anti-racism in Canada.
11 December 2018
Due to a nearly provincial wide power outage, we had to postpone our Annual General Meeting. This is an announcement that we have rescheduled the meeting to be held on Tuesday January 15, 2019
11 December 2018
The intent of this training is to provide information as well as an opportunity to expand your steward network. Detailed information about the agenda will be circulated in a subsequent memo closer to the school date.
11 December 2018
On behalf of the Atlantic Regional Executive of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC), I am extending an invitation to you as a member of the Halifax or Halifax DND Branch to sit in as an observer at our upcoming Atlantic Regional Executive meeting being held in Dartmouth.
11 December 2018
The Edmonton SP Subgroup would like to invite you to our annual AGM/Member Appreciation Party, hosted this year at Hudsons Bourbon Street. The AGM portion of the evening will begin at 6pm, with socializing and food to follow.
10 December 2018
This document represents a high level summary of the differences between existing RCMP Terms and Conditions of Employment, and comparable provisions within the six collective agreements for PIPSC members employed by Treasury Board in the Core Public Administration groups
10 December 2018
On November 28, PIPSC - BC/Yukon Region - Yukon Branch demonstrated support for fellow unionists of PSCAC YEU who are on strike in Whitehorse. The branch made a generous donation of $1000 to support PSAC Many Rivers’ counsellors and staff.  
10 December 2018
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which turns 70 this year, was adopted by the United Nations on 10 December 1948. A document that proclaimed the inalienable rights which everyone is inherently entitled to as a human being -- regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
7 December 2018
Your AFS Executive members recently participated in a Positive Space Awareness LGBTQ2+ training session. The session was informative and an excellent opportunity to exchange thoughts on how we all support an open healthy work environment for everyone.
6 December 2018
The Branch will be holding elections at the AGM. There are seven executive member positions to be filled. There are six, 2 year terms and one, 1 year term.
6 December 2018
Your bargaining team met November 30, 2018 to discuss the bargaining survey results. Members' level of participation and written comments are encouraging. Your continued support and engagement is essential in helping us draft proposals and determine priorities for this round of bargaining.
5 December 2018
Phoenix continues to be one of the major issues our federal members are facing. The government has taken on an aggressive procurement process tohave a new program selected by the Spring 2019 for approval by all parties. It is still a wait and see process. If you are having difficulty with your pay, speak with a local steward or email
5 December 2018
The PIPSC 2019 Young Workers Forum is taking place on Friday, February 15th and Saturday, February 16th, 2019 in Gatineau, Quebec.
5 December 2018
Your Collective Agreement expired October 31st 2018; the following is a confidential bargaining questionnaire to assist in formulating the issues to be addressed during the ongoing round of Negotiations. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated and is essential to help your Negotiating Team draft bargaining proposals.
4 December 2018
While PIPSC, alongside our union partners at the National Joint Council Dental Care Board of Management, is still negotiating hard to improve the majority of our members’ dental plan (NJC Component 55555), I am very pleased to announce that we have nailed down the following significant improvemen
4 December 2018
OBJECTIVE: To learn about your Public Service Pension Plan and some of the benefits available to you as a Federal Public Servant. The Seminar will also include information about the benefits available to you as a member of the National Association of Federal Retirees.
4 December 2018
Invitation: December 14, 2018 All members of the RE NCR-AAFC Subgroup are cordially invited to meet the RE Executives.
4 December 2018
CFIA Science & Analytical (S & A) Group Annual General Meeting Join fellow CFIA-S&A Group members for lunch Monday, December 17, 2018 12:00 – 1:00 pm
4 December 2018
The RE bargaining team met with the employer on November 20 and 21, 2018 to discuss the proposals that had been exchanged on November 16.
4 December 2018
Reserve your place at this Lunch ’n Learn which will be held at noon to 1pm on Thursday December 13, 2018, at Place du Portage III, 7th floor C tower, Room 100 Gatineau QC
4 December 2018
The event is now full and unfortunately, we cannot accept anymore RSVPs
4 December 2018
In order to improve the efficiency of negotiations the PIPSC Central Bargaining Team electronically exchanged proposals with Treasury Board on November 2, 2018.
4 December 2018
Here are the bargaining proposals that were exchanged between the PIPSC Central Bargaining Table and Treasury Board.
3 December 2018
The NUREG Group collective agreement expired on March 31st 2018. You are invited to complete this online survey in order to provide the bargaining team with your input.
3 December 2018
A large majority of Canadians (77%) agree “It would be a good investment for the Government of Canada to allocate more resources towards preventing tax evasion and avoidance,” according to a recent Environics Research poll commissioned by PIPSC. Earlier this year, PIPSC surveyed thousands of its members who work at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and found 84% agree with the same statement. The findings are contained in our second of three reports, release today.
3 December 2018
December 6 is the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women in Canada. This day has been marked for 30 years to honour and remember the fourteen young women who were murdered in an act of gender-based violence at l'École Polytechnique de Montréal.
3 December 2018
Members of the Bargaining Team for the SH Group met with the Employer November 20 through November 22/2018.  
3 December 2018
Shell Game: How Offshore Havens, Loopholes, and Federal Cost-Cutting Undermine Tax Fairness, A Survey
3 December 2018
International Day of Disabled Persons was introduced by the United Nations in 1992 and aims to promote the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities in all spheres of society and development, and to increase awareness of the situation of persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life.
3 December 2018
PIPSC OTTAWA WEST BRANCH invites all PIPSC members in the NCR to a Green Screen environmental film.
3 December 2018
Your CS Group Executive and Bargaining Team have been busy preparing for the upcoming round of Negotiations.