
16 July 2024
The Employer at CFIA has submitted a request for an extension of 18 months to complete the pay equity plan. The original draft plan was supposed to be posted for review and comments by July 03, 2024 but the employer failed to meet this deadline.
17 June 2024
The Pay Equity Committee at CFIA has almost completed the process of creating job classes which include similar duties, responsibilities, qualifications, and the same compensation plan within the same range of salary rates.
12 June 2024
The CFIA-IN Group bargaining team signed a tentative agreement with the CFIA. This agreement must now be ratified by the CFIA-IN Group membership. 
13 May 2024
As you may have heard, the Treasury Board has released its new direction on presence in the core workplace. This dictates a significant shift in workplace policy for core public administration employees.
8 April 2024
We are finally bargaining! We have successfully concluded our work at the central table and now is the time to bargain for our group-specific issues.
25 March 2024
IN Group Executive Member Title Telephone #
15 January 2024
We hope you enjoyed the holiday season and Happy New Year!
15 December 2023
The Pay Equity Committee at CFIA has been working to develop a proactive pay equity plan. The committee is composed of bargaining agent representatives, including PIPSC members and staff, non-represented employees and employer representatives.
1 November 2023
Dear PIPSC-CFIA members,   Your IN, S&A and VM Bargaining Teams have established a PIPSC CFIA Central Bargaining Team to deal with common issues for all 3 groups and - hopefully - expedite the collective bargaining process.
9 June 2023
IN GROUP EXECUTIVE Member Title Telephone Email address
1 May 2023
22 December 2020
The CFIA-IN bargaining team is pleased to announce that CFIA and PIPSC signed the new collective agreement on December 23, 2020 covering the period of June 1, 2018, through to May 31, 2022.
20 October 2020
We are pleased to announce that the CFIA-IN group has ratified the tentative agreement.
5 October 2020
IN Group Executive Current CFIA-IN Group Executive members are listed on our group page.
1 October 2020
Please take the time to review all the documents in the package before voting. The bargaining team unanimously recommends the acceptance of this tentative agreement.
21 August 2020
The CFIA-IN bargaining team signed a tentative agreement with the CFIA. Regular members will be invited to vote on this new agreement in the coming weeks.
14 August 2020
The CFIA VM, IN and S&A Groups are pleased to announce that we have reached tentative agreements with the CFIA.
10 July 2020
We’re pleased to announce that PIPSC and CFIA will be bargaining the week of August 10, 2020
20 May 2020
The CFIA bargaining team is refocused and ready to work with the employer to secure the contract that all CFIA members deserve.
7 August 2019
The CFIA-IN Bargaining Team has not yet started negotiating a new collective agreement. The team sent the notice to bargain to the employer, but it has not been possible to engage in successful negotiations with the CFIA.
15 March 2019
CFIA - INFORMATICS (IN) GROUP NEWSLETTER/AGM NOTICE – March 2019 IN Group Executive Member Title Telephone # Email address Houman Vafaie Chair (613) 773-7020
13 March 2019
CFIA - INFORMATICS (IN) GROUP ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING- March 2019 You are all invited to attend the CFIA-IN Group’s next Annual General Meeting in March.
30 November 2018
Fellow CFIA-IN Group members: The deadline for the Employer to process your retroactive pay is December 19, 2018.
25 September 2018
Canadian Food Inspection Agency - Informatics (IN) Group (CFIA-IN) While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of this content, no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions.
27 August 2018
Your Bargaining Team is pleased to inform you that CFIA IN and PIPSC signed the new collective agreement on August 21, 2018 covering the period of June 1, 2014 through to May 31, 2018.
23 April 2018
We are pleased to announce that the CFIA-IN group has ratified the collective agreement. Just as we have completed our ratification process, the Employer is concurrently engaging in its ratification process.
29 March 2018
Your CFIA-IN Bargaining Team will be holding a town hall via teleconference to explain the ratification process and discuss the tentative agreement. Please join us on the call if you have questions regarding the ratification process or the tentative agreement.
27 March 2018
On January 24, 2018 your Bargaining Team reached a tentative agreement with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to renew your Collective Agreement. Please find all the proposed amendments to the agreement attached for review.
5 March 2018
24 January 2018
Your Bargaining Team is pleased to announce that on January 24, 2018 a Tentative Agreement was signed with the Employer, completing this round of negotiations.
18 December 2017
Your CFIA-IN Bargaining Team is pleased to announce that a tentative agreement was reached with the employer just before midnight on December 14, 2017, after six days of negotiations. The economic increase is 1.25% in each of four years (2014-2017) with a 1% market adjustment increase in 2016.
28 November 2017
After a very long wait the CFIA-IN Bargaining Team met for the first time with the employer on November 21, 22 & 23 2017. Proposals were exchanged early on the 21st.
20 March 2017
IN Group Executive PIPSC WEBSITE To get an update of ongoing PIPSC CFIA-IN issues or meeting minutes, please visit our website.