
18 October 2024
2024 Election Information The AGM is coming up quickly and will likely be held near the end of November. The actual date and details are still to be determined.
4 March 2024
Your PIPSC WFCC RT Bargaining Team is pleased to share the details of the tentative agreement reached with the hospital with regards to the Bill 124 and Pandemic Pay reopeners.  
5 January 2024
WFCC Executive Meeting - December 27, 2023 Call to Order: Rob called meeting to Order Location: St. Catharines            Date:   27 DEC 2023             Time: 6:30 p.m. Attendance: Rob Hancock, Cyndy Hogan, Shannon Dutkus
15 November 2023
WFCC AGM - Monday, November 13, 2023 Meeting Date Monday, November 13, 2023 Time  6:30 pm Members (Present)
30 October 2023
The Walker Family Cancer Centre - Radiation Therapists - Annual General Meeting Monday November 13th, 2023 - 6:30 p.m. Location: 180 Estate Winery- 4055 Nineteenth St, Jordan Station, ON
8 September 2023
WFCC Executive Committee Meeting Minutes – September, 2023 Call to Order: Rob called meeting to Order Location: St. Catharines            Date:   7 SEP 2023             Time: 6:30 p.m. Attendance: Rob Hancock, Cyndy Hogan, Shannon Dutkus
17 February 2023
Walker Family Cancer Centre – RT Group - AGM Minutes - December 1, 2022 Role Call:  President: Rob Hancock  Approval of Agenda:  Cyndy Hogan + Elizabeth Platts  Election Committee: 
29 November 2022
Call for Nominations - Radiation Therapists Walker Family Cancer Centre (WFCC)  The Radiation Therapists Walker Family Cancer Centre (WFCC) Group Executive is seeking nominations for the following positions:
28 November 2022
Annual General Meeting - December 1 Radiation Therapists - Walker Family Cancer Centre of the Ontario Groups (WFCC) Location: 271 Merritt St, St. Catharines, ON L2T 1K1 Date/Time: December 1 - 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM (ET)
22 November 2021
Information sessions are planned for November 25 to present the tentative agreement reached with Niagara Health.