Walker Family Cancer Centre – RT Group - AGM Minutes - December 1, 2022

  1. Role Call: 
  • President: Rob Hancock 
  1. Approval of Agenda: 
  • Cyndy Hogan + Elizabeth Platts 
  1. Election Committee: 
  • Diane Buick + Alexis Millhiser 
  1. Presidents Report: 
  • Welcome New Stewards: Shannon Dutkus, Cyndy Hogan, Omar Salmon 
  • Service Plus Review – sign up for discounts 
  • Labour Management updates 
  1. Job Description requested 
  2. On-Call is happening- anyone can do it and will receive proper training. No volunteers = assigning it based on reversed seniority 
  3. Manager rights- their obligation to manage the operations within the hospital. We can grieve if we do not feel that is happening (doctor approvals, booking issues etc) 
  4. Union would like to show its members items to be brought up in labor management meetings. To show to members that their concerns are being addressed. Meeting Minutes will be public. 
  5. Document any interactions with management and follow up with emails 
  6. College Licenses- Follow hospital policy and protect yourself  
  1. Bill 124 Briefing and Bargaining update with David Griffin 
  • Bill 124- We won the court hearing at the first level, judge agreed the bill is unconstitutional 
  1. Ford Government will likely appeal- they have 30 days 
  2. Ontario Court of appeal is next- more time for a final result 
  3. PIPSC Launched a billboard campaign “repeal bill 124” 
  1. Bargaining- Collective agreement expired in September 
  1. Plan is to bargain after ONA which will commence their bargaining in spring 2023 
  2. Membership survey to hear what members want to see 
  3. Bargaining group will put together a proposal based on the survey 
  • Timing approx. Fall 2023 to begin bargaining 
  • Wage increases will be number 1 on agenda 
  1. Annual Financial report: 
  • Rob Hancock and Cyndy Hogan 
  • After AGM remaining 2022 budget to be donated to local foodbank 
  1. Approval of 2023 budget: TBD 
  1. By-Law amendments:  

6.2 Composition: The Group Executive shall be elected by and from the Group members. Whenever possible, members of the Executive should be Stewards. The Group Executive shall be composed of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and Members-at-Large up to the maximum permitted by Institute By- Laws  

Rationale: Recommended by BLPC 

7.1 Elections Committee The Executive shall appoint an Elections Committee to receive nominations for positions on the Group Executive, and to conduct the elections. Any member of the Elections Committee who becomes a candidate in the election shall resign from the Elections Committee. Elections Committee will be composed of two (2) volunteers or appointed persons designated at the AGM  

Rationale: As a small group, we feel we can make the process more streamlined and less formal by calling for volunteers to count ballots the night of the election at the AGM. 

7.2.1 The Elections Committee shall distribute a request for nominations to all members of the Group at least four (4) weeks prior to the closing date for nominations A call for nominations for election to the Group Executive shall be included with the notice of the Group Annual General Meeting (See 8.1.2)  

Rationale: Recommendation from WRT Radiation Therapists and BLPC 

7.2.2 Nomination forms must be received at the National Office of the Institute by the close of business on a date to be determined by the Elections Committee. In the event that insufficient nominations are received to fill the vacancies, the Elections Committee shall attempt to obtain the names of additional persons willing and able to serve sufficient to fill the remaining vacancies.Nominations may be submitted in writing or may be made from the floor of the Group AGM. If none are forthcoming, the Executive may appoint someone to that position. 

Rationale: Recommendation from WRT Radiation Therapists and BLPC 

7.2.4 The Elections Committee shall scrutinize the nominations for eligibility and, if necessary, arrange for ballots to be distributed to all members eligible to vote in the election. satisfy itself that the candidates for election are eligible and willing to serve. 

Rationale: Recommendation from WRT Radiation Therapists and BLPC 

7.3.1 The Elections Committee shall serve as Returning Officers and shall establish procedures for the efficient conduct of an election, the counting and tabulating of ballots and all matters directly related thereto not otherwise specified in these By-Laws. The election shall be at the Group Annual General Meeting (AGM). 

Rationale: Recommendation from WRT Radiation Therapists and BLPC  

7.3.2 The Elections Committee shall serve as Returning Officers and shall establish procedures for the efficient conduct of an election, the counting and tabulating of ballots and all matters directly related thereto not otherwise specified in these By-Laws. Ballots must be distributed at least four (4) weeks prior to the date set as the deadline for the return of ballots. 

Rationale: Recommendation from WRT Radiation Therapists and BLPC 

7.3.6 The newly elected Executive shall take office immediately beginning next business day following the announcement of the results of the election.  

Rationale: To allow for all previous business to be closed off, and handed over to the newly elected Executive. 

  1. New Business: Group Grievance filed regarding CPR reimbursement 
  • Step 2 meeting occurred- awaiting decision from HR 
  • HR recommended this be discussed further at bargaining 
  1. Elections: 
  1. President: Rob Hancock (acclaimed) (Nominated by Cyndy, Seconded by Shannon) 
  2. Vice President: Cyndy Hogan (acclaimed) (Nominated by Shannon, Seconded by Rob) 
  3. Treasurer/Secretary: Shannon Dutkus (acclaimed) (Nominated by Cyndy, Seconded by Rob) 
  1. Adjournment: Cyndy Hogan + Rob Hancock