The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada

WFCC Executive Committee Meeting Minutes – September, 2023

Call to Order:

Rob called meeting to Order

Location: St. Catharines           

Date:   7 SEP 2023            

Time: 6:30 p.m.

Attendance: Rob Hancock, Cyndy Hogan, Shannon Dutkus

Financial Report

Motion to Approve.  Moved by Shannon.  Seconded by Cyndy

  • Budget delayed due to training session postponed – 2023/2024 Budget to be finalized end of September following training session for Treasurer.

Committee Reports


  1. Labour Management
    1. New team members appointed: Cyndy, Rob and Shannon to attend consecutively, Brittany to attend if any of the above are absent/on leave
    2. Staffing
    3. Changes in shifts
    1. Bargaining

New team members appointed – Rob, Cyndy and Shannon

Notice sent out to staff to recruit back up member- Brittany formally responded and assigned to bargaining team if main team members are absent/on leave.

Vance notified hospital of Bill 124 re-opener: WFCC group has requested September date to meet.

Cannot set Collective Agreement bargaining date until re-opener has been settled - PIPSC has set a goal to have Collective Bargaining dates set by January 2024

    1. Grievances – 4 active: 3 individual, 1 group

New business

Collective Agreement review & amendments

Meeting with Vance Coulas, date TBD

New ERO assigned to WFCC Group- Kim Veller: All current files with WFCC have been formally transferred to Kim.


Robert adjourned the meeting at 8 p.m.

Date of next meeting TBD.

Minutes submitted by: Shannon Dutkus, PIPSC-WFCCSecretary/Treasurer