
Members belong to Groups, which include all the members of the same bargaining unit. Each Group operates under its own Constitution which must be consistent with Institute By-Laws. Members of the Group elect their own Executive.

As a member,your voice counts and you're encouraged to participate in the activities of your Group.

Institute Sub-Groups are listed under their respective Group page.

Latest Group and Sub-Group News

10 July 2020
With all the recent news on collective agreement settlements and activities, the CFIA bargaining teams would like to once again update you on our ongoing progress. Mark your calendars! We’re pleased to announce that PIPSC and CFIA will be bargaining the week of August 10, 2020. 
10 July 2020
With all the recent news on collective agreement settlements and activities, the CFIA bargaining teams would like to once again update you on our ongoing progress. Mark your calendars! We’re pleased to announce that PIPSC and CFIA will be bargaining the week of August 10, 2020. 
10 July 2020
With all the recent news on collective agreement settlements and activities, the CFIA bargaining teams would like to once again update you on our ongoing progress. Mark your calendars! We’re pleased to announce that PIPSC and CFIA will be bargaining the week of August 10, 2020. 
7 July 2020
  The bargaining team would like to start by wishing all UOITP members well during this time. We also want to thank all the members who responded to the bargaining survey. As a result of the high response rate the team has a clear direction and way forward! 
30 June 2020
From the President … 
30 June 2020
At the request of the AFS Group Elections Committee and as per PIPSC By-Law, the PIPSC National Elections committee is conducting the 2020 AFS Group elections to the National AFS Group Executive.
29 June 2020
The first part of the CS Public Interest Commission (PIC) hearing took place on June 22 and 23, 2020. The PIC is a three-person panel – the union and the employer each have a representative present with an agreed-upon chairperson.
29 June 2020
June 22, 2020 marked the start of the Public Interest Commission (PIC) hearings. The commission was composed of Allen Pollak as Chairperson; Lynn Harnden, appointed by the employer; and Michael Wright, appointed by PIPSC.
29 June 2020
CS Group Exec meeting
25 June 2020
We are happy to announce that we have come to an agreement with the CFIA on all Regulatory Science (SR) job descriptions. Members have identified concerns with their job descriptions dating back to 2015. Today’s announcement marks an important victory in resolving these issues.
22 June 2020
Your CS bargaining team is at Public Interest Commission (PIC) hearings today and tomorrow. We begin the meetings with the employer taking a disrespectful and unacceptable position.
22 June 2020
As part of the conversion from the Computer Systems (CS) Group to the Information Technology (IT) Group, your work description may be reviewed and updated by your employer. Here are 3 things you should do.
17 June 2020
The Research (RE) Group executive invites nominations for the inaugural RE Group Commendation.
16 June 2020
Since 2017, many Manitoba public servants have been working with expired contracts and frozen wages, not because of the pandemic but because of a Pallister government law that violated workers’ rights to collective bargaining. These workers deserve to have their rights respected.
15 June 2020
AFS members in the BC-Yukon region are invited to a virtual town hall. Please find the date and time for your tax services office (TSO) below
12 June 2020
Our friend and colleague James Allan has passed away. We want to offer our deepest condolences to James’ family, friends, colleagues and fellow union members. James will be missed.
10 June 2020
The NAV Canada Election Committee received 6 valid nominations for 3 member-at-large positions on the group executive. An election was conducted and closed on May 30. The Election Committee congratulates the following elected candidates:
8 June 2020
Your CS bargaining team has been actively engaged in the current round of bargaining for 15 months. While they have made some progress on non-salary central table issues, the employer did not meet the CS Group-specific demands with a satisfactory offer.
8 June 2020
Your feedback helped our negotiations team decide on how it should proceed with the Government's options. While neither option was favourable, let alone acceptable, the vast majority of respondents supported the option of 5 unpaid leave days. 
2 June 2020
Date: 2020-05-12 Time: 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Location: