
22 May 2019
While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of this content, no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions. AGREEMENT - between -
5 March 2019
Protecting our members’ pensions remains a top priority for PIPSC. On February 26, 2019 CRPEG President Jonathan Fitzpatrick was joined by Canadian Alliance of Nuclear Workers (CANW) representatives Steven Schumann and Matt Wayland  in a meeting with three members of the Opposition on Parliament Hill. The issue: the return of Canadian Nuclear Laboratories workers into a public service pension plan.
4 February 2019
As of January 28, 2019 employees in CRPEG, USW 1568, and CUPE will not be able to enter time on their timecard using the Banked Time type but will start using Aggregate Time type.
20 December 2018
With the transfer from active contributors to the Public Service Pension Plan complete some of our members have been approached with the “opportunity” to cash out their defined benefit pension plans and invest this money with a local financial advisor or investment advisor.
28 June 2018
Your bargaining team met briefly with the company this morning (2018 June 20). Prior to meeting today, the company had discussed our proposal internally with the senior executive.
31 May 2018
Show support for fellow PIPSC members employed by Canadian Nuclear Laboratories who are fighting to save their pensions.
7 March 2018
Your Bargaining Team met with the Employer on February 26, 27 and 28, 2018. No further articles have been signed off at this time. Additional dates have been scheduled from March through June 2018. Your Bargaining Team
28 February 2018
Your negotiations team met with the company on Feb.14 & 15. We have tentative language for some issues and we continue to work through the issues using the IBN process. As part of a joint communication both sides have agreed to share our opening statement. This statement sets the framework and tone of this round of bargaining.
22 December 2017
Your CRPEG Bargaining team has met a number of times to prepare for the next round of negotiations. The team met on December 21st with the employer for one day of bargaining to start this next round of negotiations.
23 October 2017
The CRPEG Bargaining Team is pleased to announce that the Union and the Employer signed the collective agreement on September 28, 2017. This collective agreement is in effect from July 1, 2016 to December 31, 2017.