Happy Labour Day weekend 2024!

Happy Labour Day weekend, brought to you by unions! I’m so proud for the chance to address you today –  the scientists, engineers, healthcare professionals, IT specialists, and so many others who work tirelessly to serve Canadians.

First and foremost, thank you. Your dedication, expertise, and resilience, especially in these challenging times, are nothing short of inspirational.

As your union President, I want you to know: I see you, I hear you, and we are fighting for you every single day.

I know the challenges you're facing. The outsourcing crisis that undervalues your expertise and wastes taxpayer money. The ill-conceived return-to-office mandate that ignores the future of work and the quality of life you deserve. The nickel and diming we saw at the table during the most recent round of bargaining. 

But here's what I want you to remember this Labour Day: You are not alone in these struggles. The power of our union lies in our solidarity. Together, we are a force to be reckoned with.

When the government funnels billions into outsourcing, we push back – because we know you can deliver better, more cost-effective services.

When short-sighted return-to-office mandates threaten to drive dedicated professionals like you out of public service, we stand firm – because we know that flexible, supportive working conditions mean you can better serve Canadians.

And when we're at the bargaining table, we push for good wages that keep up with rising costs of living, fight for policies that treat you with respect and accountability, and demand benefits that match your expertise and dedication.

This is the power of our union. This is why we're stronger together. 

We're also calling on you to stand with us. Talk to your colleagues about the importance of our union. Engage with your MP about these critical issues. Remind them that a strong public service, supported by strong unions, means a strong Canada.

As we prepare for the crucial 2025 bargaining round, your engagement will be more important than ever. Stay informed, participate in union activities, and be ready to show your solidarity. Together, we can achieve landmark improvements in your working conditions and the quality of public services.

Remember, every victory in labour rights, from the weekend to workplace safety standards, came from workers standing together. Today, we stand on the shoulders of those who came before us, and we're fighting for the future of work.

3 May 2019
On behalf of all PIPSC members, I want to express our support and encouragement to our fellow members and all of those currently affected by the extensive flooding across the country. Many of our members have been directly impacted as a result of the flooding and evacuations.

20 March 2019
It’s hard not to see the latest federal budget as a pre-election platform. It’s equally hard not to see it as a progress report on the “real change” promised during the last election.

5 March 2019
Protecting our members’ pensions remains a top priority for PIPSC. On February 26, 2019 CRPEG President Jonathan Fitzpatrick was joined by Canadian Alliance of Nuclear Workers (CANW) representatives Steven Schumann and Matt Wayland  in a meeting with three members of the Opposition on Parliament Hill. The issue: the return of Canadian Nuclear Laboratories workers into a public service pension plan.

28 February 2019
The news this week that it will take a further three to five years to clean up the Phoenix backlog, and 10 or more years to stabilize the system, makes it obvious that on the third anniversary of the launch of the Phoenix pay system we should be laser-focused on implementing its replacement as soon as possible.

21 February 2019
On Tuesday February 5th PIPSC members were on Parliament Hill to discuss the importance of the critical public services we deliver to Canadians. A delegation of close to 30 members, representing a range of Groups and Regions, met with over 30 Parliamentarians. It was a unique opportunity to bring key priorities directly to the decision makers.

20 February 2019
PIPSC recently submitted comments to Finance Canada’s public consultation into draft legislative proposals related to salary overpayments.