Prior to 1929, women in Canada were not considered "persons” under the law. On October 18, 1929, the “Famous Five” took the case to the highest court of appeal where it was decided to include women as "persons". This gave women the right to be appointed to the Senate and paved the way for increased participation in public and political life.
Over the next few weeks British Columbia will hold a referendum to determine which electoral system should be used in its provincial elections – First Past the Post (FPTP), as is currently the case, or a form of Proportional Representation (PR).

Revised Announcement of Elections Impacting the Quebec Region

Following the close of nominations on July 31st. 2018 the following members expressed their willingness to serve as representatives on the Retired Members Guild Executive for the Quebec Region. Unfortunately, nomination documents for one of the candidates was misplaced and not provided to the elections committee for inclusion in this year's election.

You are being asked to vote on the WTEG tentative agreement. You have been provided the opportunity to review all of the proposed changes to your collective agreement

As a part of our response to The Government of Canada’s move to open workplace design, we conducted a random survey of members to learn more about their experiences.

We’ve found that the members who have moved to the new workplace configuration, are finding it harder to give their best service to Canadians.

  • 62% say their productivity and efficiency is worse;
  • 79% say they have a harder time focusing and concentrating;
  • 62% say access to sufficient workspace for their professional work has been made worse.

“The government is making it harder for us to provide services to Canadians. Our members need to be able to concentrate and work productively but the government’s workplace reconfiguration is undermining their ability to work.” said Debi Daviau, PIPSC President.

When the government first announced their plans for new workplace configurations, the promises sounded good. Workplaces were supposed to become healthier and better for professionals. But the implementation seems to have become about cutting costs and jamming people into smaller and smaller spaces.

We know that in about ¾ of instances, workplace reconfiguration is taking place without any consultation with employees and with no pilot projects. Subsequently, the needs of staff with identified ergonomic requirements have not been met.

The spaces are undermining professionalism. From mental health to productivity, from collaboration to privacy, on every account, our members report that the new configuration has made things worse. 

If your office has already undergone workplace re-configuration, how has it impacted your ability to provide your professional service to Canadians?

Let us know!