PIPSC is thrilled to announce that the OSFI Pay Equity Committee, composed of PIPSC and employer representatives, has finalized a draft pay equity plan. This groundbreaking plan, now available to all OSFI employees on the intranet, proposes significant adjustments to several job classes, with increases ranging from a few dollars per hour to much larger adjustments.

A recent report of the Standing (Parliamentary) Committee on Government Operations has produced nine recommendations that echo comments from union and retiree representatives on changes to the Public Service Health Care Plan and plan governance. 

The report aligns closely with PIPSC's feedback and highlights several critical issues, that we have broken down to seven themes:

  1. Opaque Procurement and Contract Enforcement: The report criticizes the lack of union or member involvement in procurement and contract enforcement processes, reflecting widespread dissatisfaction with the transparency and accountability of these procedures, as well as the government's ability to fully enforce the spirit of the contract’s provisions.
  2. Excessive Leeway to Plan Administrators: The committee flagged the excessive leeway given to plan administrators during the transition period, which permitted the plan administrator, Canada Life, to deliver poor service without consequences.
  3. Inadequate Provisions for Members with Serious Health Conditions: The dramatic changes to physiotherapy coverage, which failed to consider members with chronic and severe health conditions, was flagged as an item that should be revisited so that public service workers have sufficient access to physiotherapy treatment.
  4. Insufficient Preparation and Communication: The need for thorough preparation and a robust communications plan to educate plan members about changes was emphasized. The lack of clear information contributed to widespread confusion and frustration.
  1. Compensation for Damages: The report calls for compensation for damages suffered by plan members during the botched handover, recognizing the financial and health-related hardships caused by the transition to Canada Life.
  1. Service Standards: The report stresses the importance of establishing more comprehensive service standards for key aspects of the plan, such as prior authorization processes, to ensure timely and accurate claims processing as well as to hold Canada Life accountable for excessive delays in service delivery for these items.
  1. Support for French-speaking Members: Ensuring that the plan administrator can provide services in French at standards comparable to those in English was identified as a critical need.


This damning report will be passed on to senior bureaucrats as a strong recommendation on how to best handle the current situation and for consideration in future plans. It is not binding, but rather, advisory. PIPSC believes this provides an opportunity for the Treasury Board to address the botched handover and our outstanding policy grievance for compensation due to the Canada Life handover fiasco.

The Public Service Health Care Plan is an employer-paid private health plan covering most PIPSC members and retirees working in the Core Public Administration and at most separate employers. 

A full copy of the report can be found online.


The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) is proud to announce a sweeping victory in a precedent-setting policy grievance case against the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). The Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board has ruled in favour of PIPSC, affirming the rights of members to file classification grievances for their former positions.

The decision, issued on May 23, 2024, by Adjudicator Christopher Rootham, reinforces the rights of former incumbents to have meaningful access to the classification grievance process.  CFIA's current classification policy cancels classification grievances when the related job description is changed; however, unlike at the Treasury Board, the CFIA would not allow affected employees to regrieve if they had retired, quit, or changed jobs.  In a word, their policy granted them the power to wait out grievors in order to strip them of any recourse.  Adjudicator Rootham found this to be an unreasonable exercise of management rights and in violation of members' rights under the collective agreement and law.

While this decision does not automatically strike down CFIA's classification policy, we do expect that the Agency will adjust its policy to avoid future complaints in similar circumstances.  This decision also establishes compelling arguments against such practices elsewhere in the public service.

PIPSC has been the leader in advancing the rights of public service workers when it comes to classification.  While some public service employers have tried to exploit rules and procedures to pit former incumbents against current incumbents or one group of workers against others, PIPSC has stood up to defend equal classification and pay for everyone who did the job.

CFIA Group president Ayman Soryal applauded the decision: “I thank all of our PIPSC members for their patience as it took so long to reach the decision. At this point, the Agency needs to play by the rule  - the courts have agreed."

The Agency is required to contact affected grievors in certain VM (Veterinarian) job descriptions currently subject to a classification grievance.  PIPSC staff are in communication with agency staff to develop an implementation strategy.

The text of the decision will be published by the Board in the coming weeks.

Questions may be directed to compensation@pipsc.ca.

November 8th and 9th, 2024, at the Sheraton Centre Hotel, Toronto, Ontario.


August 19th to September 20th, 2024 – Once notified as having been selected to attend the PIPSC AGM 2024, all Delegates and Virtual Observers have to complete the online registration form. Please note that the deadline for registration will be strictly enforced.


Group Presidents and Regional Directors must submit their list of approved Delegates/Alternates and Virtual Observers using this form by 5:00 PM EST on Friday, July 26, 2024.

Once the lists are received, the National Office will communicate with each Delegate/Virtual Observer by e-mail inviting them to register online. Please note that Delegates/Virtual Observers will not be able to register until an approved list has been received, reviewed and verified from the Groups and from the Regions. 

The number of delegates for the AGM is defined in By-Law 13 and in accordance with the delegate count.


The deadline for any changes to a delegate's participation status is Thursday, October 31, 2024.

In-Person Delegates:

If an in-person delegate chooses to switch their participation from in-person to virtual, they must notify the AGM team by Thursday, October 31, 2024. 

If an in-person delegate must cancel their AGM participation entirely, they must notify the AGM team by Thursday, October 31, 2024. A Group or Regional Executive can then promote or appoint an alternate in-person delegate.

If an in-person delegate cancels less than one week prior to the start of the AGM (after Thursday, October 31, 2024), no alternate will be permitted to register for in-person participation.

Virtual Delegates:

If a virtual delegate must cancel their AGM participation entirely, they must notify the AGM team by Friday, September 27, 2024. A Group or Regional Executive can promote or appoint an alternate virtual or in-person delegate.

If a virtual delegate must cancel their AGM participation entirely, but misses the Friday September 27, 2024 deadline for cancellation, a Group or Regional Executive can only promote or appoint a virtual delegate up until Thursday, October 31, 2024.

If a virtual delegate cancels their participation less than one week prior to the AGM (after Thursday, October 31, 2024) no alternate will be permitted to register.


By-Law states "No By-Law shall be enacted, repealed or amended by a General Meeting unless details of proposed changes were submitted to the Office of the Executive Secretary no later than twelve (12) weeks prior to a General Meeting." Proposed amendments to the Institute By-Laws must be submitted by August 16, 2024, by email at resolution@pipsc.ca.


By-Law states "Resolutions, in writing, must be received at the Office of the Executive Secretary not less than twelve (12) weeks before the commencement of a General Meeting." Resolutions must be submitted by August 16, 2024 by email at resolution@pipsc.ca.

AGM resolutions are first received by the Resolutions Sub-Committee (RSC).

The mandate of the RSC is to consolidate, monitor and clarify resolutions for submission to the AGM. The RSC is available to help and to provide advice to sponsors regarding wording to ensure clarity and compliance with Institute By-Laws and Policies. If there is a cost associated with resolutions (financial resolutions), sponsors should submit related numbers with their resolution, for review by the RSC.

To assist in the process of writing resolutions, please refer to the pocket guide “Write that Resolution”. 


Pursuant to By-Law 14.2.1, which governs fees, notice is hereby given that a change in the basic monthly fee may be proposed at the 2024 Annual General Meeting.


We are making every effort to be conscious of both our fiscal and political responsibilities at this year’s AGM. Costs related to the in-person event are being managed through member consultation and  rigorous evaluation. We’re examining ways to deliver a high quality member experience with cost containment measures in place. The Annual General Meeting exemplifies “presence with purpose”. As the supreme governing body of PIPSC, the AGM  not only provides members with the ability to conduct important union business, but also to connect and learn together. We look forward to the opportunities this in-person event provides, as we unite for positive change.

For travel to/from airports or train stations, we will be providing delegates with an Uber promo code that can be used to cover the cost of your transportation. If you are uncomfortable using Uber, you can still be reimbursed for taxi transportation.

You will be able to access all AGM information and resources through both the AGM mobile app and PIPSC website using your own device. Tablets will not be available for use at this year’s AGM as part of our cost containment measures. We thank you for your understanding.

Delegates of the PIPSC AGM 2024 can refer to the travel policy


Members are invited to apply for the PIPSC Member Facilitator Training Program. This exciting new program gives members (with or without facilitation skills) a chance to become a Member Facilitator.

Accepted applicants will have the opportunity to receive hands-on training to learn to deliver workshops using a popular education approach.

Participating in the program will help you:

  • Strengthen our union
  • Connect with other activists
  • Develop and enhance your communication and facilitation skills
  • Support member education

Training for successful applicants will be held from Monday, September 16 to Friday, September 20 in Ottawa. The training will be held in English.

The application process takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Application forms are due Sunday, July 14 at 11:59pm ET

Your responses are strictly confidential. Your information will only be seen by the PIPSC Training, Education and Mentoring (TEAM) Committee and the PIPSC Education Staff.

Please note that applying does not guarantee acceptance into the program, given the limited number of available spots.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at education@pipsc.ca


Member Facilitator Program 2024 Frequently Asked Question

What is the purpose of the Member Facilitator Program?

The purpose of the Member Facilitator Program is to enhance the skills and knowledge of members, enabling them to effectively facilitate peer-to-peer training sessions. This training aims to bridge existing training gaps, support the professional development of stewards and activists, and promote their long-term engagement within the union. 

What does a member facilitator do? What is their role? How will they interact with the community? 

A member facilitator is responsible for leading peer-to-peer trainings and fostering a collaborative learning environment within PIPSC.

Their role includes:

  • Facilitating training sessions: Conducting workshops, seminars, and training sessions to enhance the skills and knowledge of members.
  • Promoting engagement: Encouraging active participation and engagement from all members during training sessions.
  • Sharing best practices: Disseminating best practices and knowledge gained from their own experiences with others. 

In their interaction with the community, member facilitators will:

  • Build relationships: Establish strong, supportive relationships with members and stewards.
  • Foster a collaborative environment: Create an inclusive and collaborative environment where all members feel valued, heard, and empowered. 
  • Encourage continuous popular education learning: Promote a culture of continuous learning using a popular education approach. 

Overall, member facilitators play a crucial role in strengthening our union by providing essential training and support, fostering engagement, and promoting a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration in PIPSC.

What type of workshops will member facilitators be expected to co-facilitate?

Member facilitators will co-deliver training on topics such as leadership development, conflict resolution, anti-oppression, etc. They will not deliver training on topics related to labour relations.

*Note: PIPSC Employee Relations Officers (EROs) will continue to deliver labour-relations courses such as basic steward training, grievance handling, collective agreement interpretation, discipline, duty to accommodate, occupational health and safety, etc.

What are the expectations of a member facilitator once they complete the training? 

The Member Facilitator Program requires a 2-year commitment. 

Member facilitators are expected to co-facilitate one to two workshops a year based on their availability.

Will there be future member facilitator training offered?

Yes, the Training, Education, and Mentoring (TEAM) plan to offer an additional session of the Member Facilitator Training based on needs, with reassessment on an annual basis.

When will I know if I am going to participate in the Member Facilitator Program 2024?

We plan to notify participants of their acceptance into the Member Facilitator Program the week of August 12, 2024

Pursuant to Institute bylaw 

  • The Board may, on its own initiative, call a Special General Meeting.

DATE – July 27, 2024, from 13:00 to 17:00 (EST)


ONLINE REGISTRATION – Opens on July 12, 2024 – Once notified as having been selected to attend the SGM, all Delegates will have to complete the online registration form. The close of registration will be on July 19, 2024, 17:00 (EST). If you do not register by this deadline, your seat will be assigned to an alternate.


Members who are eligible to be delegates will be notified during the week of July 1, 2024.


WHEREAS Ms. Carr is the President of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (“PIPSC”);

AND WHEREAS Ms. Carr is an employee of PIPSC while carrying out her duties as President;

AND WHEREAS Ms. Carr is currently facing multiple investigations into allegations that she has committed misconduct in the workplace;

AND WHEREAS The Board of Directors of PIPSC (“the Board”) became concerned that Ms. Carr was interfering in these investigations by failing to keep the complaints and the investigation process confidential, and ignoring multiple warnings not to speak with the complainants about their complaints or to reprise against them;

AND WHEREAS the Board was also concerned that Ms. Carr was willingly accessing information discussed in closed board meetings from which she had been excluded;

AND WHEREAS as a result of the Board’s concerns noted above, it decided at its April 10, 2024 Special Board Meeting to place Ms. Carr on administrative leave with pay in order to protect the integrity of the investigations, and informed Ms. Carr of its decision on that date;

AND WHEREAS it is the position of the Board, as Ms. Carr’s employer, that the administrative leave is a non-disciplinary step that was reasonably necessary to preserve the integrity of the investigations, and will be rescinded after the investigations are completed;

AND WHEREAS Ms. Carr takes the position that her non-disciplinary administrative leave is a form of “suspension”;

AND WHEREAS Appendix 2 of the Policy on President and Vice-President Terms and Conditions states that a “suspension from office” can occur only if authorized by members of the corporation by ordinary resolution at a special meeting;

AND WHEREAS subsection 130(1) of the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act provides that members of the corporation may by ordinary resolution at a special general meeting “remove any director or directors from office”;

AND WHEREAS although the Board does not agree that Ms. Carr has been suspended nor removed from office, it is prepared, out of an abundance of caution, to proceed with a Special General Meeting as if Ms. Carr had been suspended or removed from office as of April 10, 2024;

BE IT RESOLVED that Ms. Carr be placed on an administrative leave with pay, even if that leave amounts to a “suspension from office” or “removal from office”, until the final completion of the investigations into all allegations of misconduct that are outstanding at the time of this Special General Meeting.

OTTAWA, June 5 2024 – Over lunch time on Thursday June 6, members of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) will hold a rally for remote work rights outside Canada Revenue Agency Headquarters in Ottawa.

PIPSC Vice-President, Sean O’Reilly, and AFS (Audit, Financial and Scientific - CRA) PIPSC Group President Doug Mason will question the Canada Revenue Agency’s decision, despite being a separate employer, to follow Treasury Board lead.

PIPSC asserts that this is not about just another day a week in the office, it’s about bad workplace management, deteriorating working conditions and lack of respect for the employees who deliver the services that Canadians rely on.  

Date: Thursday, June 6, 2024


Time: Noon to 12:45PM. SPEECHES will start at 12:15 PM


Place: CRA Headquarters, 555 Mackenzie, OTTAWA (ON)



  • Sean O’Reilly, Vice-President, PIPSC
  • Doug Mason, President, AFS (Audit, Financial and Scientific - CRA) Group - PIPSC

PIPSC represents over 75,000 public-sector professionals across the country, most of them employed by the federal government, and over 16,000 AFS members employed at the CRA. Follow us on Facebook, on X (formerly known as Twitter) and on Instagram.

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For further information: Johanne Fillion, 613-883-4900 (cell), jfillion@pipsc.ca