It is with great sadness that we announce that Paul Skinner passed away peacefully on September 2, 2023, at age 68. Paul was surrounded by family including his wife Anna, and daughters Marena and Melanie.

Paul served nine years as BC/Yukon Region AFS Representative and then as the BC/Yukon PIPSC Director. Including his service as a steward at the subgroup and branch level, Paul was a union leader for PIPSC for 18 years.

Paul dedicated himself to the labour movement, immersing himself in the pursuit of fair working conditions and equitable treatment for all PIPSC members. His tireless efforts as a union leader touched the lives of countless PIPSC members, empowering them with a voice and ensuring their concerns were heard.

Montreal, November 29, 2023 – PIPSC concluded its landmark national convention today, marking a significant milestone in the union's journey towards becoming a 'beacon of progress' and preparing for the future in the labour landscape.

The convention, under the theme "Ready for the Future", showcased PIPSC's strategic initiatives and forward-thinking approaches, particularly in preparing for technological advancements, championing equity, and moving toward reconciliation. The unveiling of 'Navigar,' an innovative AI-driven career navigation tool, is a testament to the union's dedication to ensuring its members are well-equipped for the evolving nature of work.

A crucial part of the convention was the revealing of the study conducted in partnership with Know History, addressing PIPSC's historical role in colonial practices. This acknowledgment is a step towards reconciliation and reflects the union's commitment to understanding and rectifying its past as part of its progress towards a more inclusive future.

"This convention marks a pivotal moment in our history. We stand at the forefront of change, we’re not just ready for the future, but actively shaping it. We are committed to being a beacon of progress, illuminating the path for our members and setting a standard for unions across Canada. Our actions and discussions here have laid the groundwork for a future where innovation, equity, and reconciliation are not just ideals, but realities we live and work by every day,” said PIPSC President Jennifer Carr at the conclusion of the convention. 

The convention also highlighted the importance of preparing for political changes in the coming years, ensuring that PIPSC's bargaining, representational, and advocacy capacities are stronger than ever. The diverse array of speakers and the insights shared have sparked new ideas and strategies for the union to effectively navigate and influence the future of work.

As the convention concluded, PIPSC reaffirmed its commitment to continuous learning, embracing diversity, and fostering an inclusive environment where every member is valued and heard. The union is poised to leverage the insights and momentum from this event to drive meaningful change and ensure that it is well-prepared for the future.

PIPSC represents over 72,000 public-sector professionals across the country, most of them employed by the federal government. Follow us on Facebook, on X (formerly known as Twitter) and on Instagram


For more information: Johanne Fillion, cell.:  613-883-4900,


Montreal, November 28, 2023 – On the third day of its national convention, PIPSC presented the findings of a comprehensive study aimed at understanding and contextualizing the union's involvement in colonial institutions, policies, and programs that have adversely affected Indigenous peoples. 

Over two years, Know History's experts have meticulously researched PIPSC's history, uncovering the union's complex interactions with Indigenous communities. 

“The findings reveal a harsh truth: PIPSC members played crucial roles in residential schools, Indian hospitals, nutritional experiments, forced relocations, and the Sixties Scoop, contributing to the cultural genocide of Indigenous peoples,” said PIPSC President Jennifer Carr. As a union representing these members, PIPSC acknowledges its shared responsibility in sustaining these harmful practices since 1920.” 

Recognizing the importance of confronting its past, PIPSC is committed to improving its Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion framework. This process involves acknowledging the union's role in the oppression of Indigenous peoples and understanding the impact of these actions on Canada's history. 

The convention featured a poignant address by former Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould, offering insights on moving forward towards reconciliation. PIPSC urges its members to join this journey of learning and reflection, considering how this history influences their work. 

“This study was not just a document; it's a call to action,” said Carr. “It serves as a crucial training and educational tool for PIPSC members and leaders, marking the first step in a long journey towards reconciliation. This journey includes partnering with Indigenous members, communities, and survivor groups to develop concrete actions and next steps.” 

PIPSC represents over 72,000 public-sector professionals across the country, most of them employed by the federal government. Follow us on Facebook, on X (formerly known as Twitter) and on Instagram.


For more information: Johanne Fillion, cell.: 613-883-4900,

Montreal, November 27, 2023 – On the second day of its landmark national convention, PIPSC has unveiled 'Navigar,' an innovative online skills development tool designed to assist members in adapting to the rapidly evolving workplace impacted by AI and machine learning. This ground breaking service, free for PIPSC members, is set to launch in 2024.

“Navigar is more than just a tool; it's a smart, data-driven guide tailored to the unique career aspirations of each member,” said PIPSC President Jennifer Carr. “Whether members aim to excel in their current roles or transition to new professions, Navigar provides vital insights and a customized skills development roadmap.”

Understanding the complexities of career navigation, especially in an era of technological disruption, Navigar is designed to offer personalized planning based on comprehensive data about Canada’s labour market and global employment trends. It equips members with foresight into the future of work, highlighting essential skills and training to remain relevant and competitive. It also connects PIPSC members with a catalogue of available learning opportunities and supports them in seeking employer funding for the training. 

“Members using Navigar will gain a clear understanding of their current professional standing and receive guidance on how to achieve their career objectives,” said Carr. ‘Navigar's unique feature is its ability to generate a personalized skills development plan, which members can share with their employers. This plan not only maps the necessary skills and training for success but also provides crucial insights into the evolving landscape of work.’

PIPSC received a grant from Future Skills Centre to develop Navigar. For more information about Navigar and updates on the launch date, visit

PIPSC represents over 72,000 public-sector professionals across the country, most of them employed by the federal government. Follow us on Facebook, on X (formerly known as Twitter) and on Instagram


For more information: Johanne Fillion, cell.:  613-883-4900,


Montreal, November 26, 2023 – The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) opened its first-ever national convention, a historic gathering under the theme "Ready for the Future." This landmark event hosts over 800 members from across the country, coming together to shape the future of the union.

"In five years, PIPSC will be a beacon of progress among Canada's unions," the PIPSC President Jennifer Carr said in her opening address. She emphasized the union's innovative approach to addressing the impact of AI and machine learning on the workforce.

A key focus of the convention will be on strengthening PIPSC's bargaining, representational, and advocacy capacities, especially in anticipation of changes to the make-up of the next Parliament. The event promises to be a hub of strategic discussions and forward-thinking ideas, setting the course for the union's future direction.

The convention will feature a lineup of prominent speakers, including Bea Bruske, President of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC); Dominic Lemieux, United Steelworkers’ District 5 (Quebec) Director and Vice-President of the Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec (FTQ); Alexandre Boulerice, NDP Labour Critic; former Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould; and renowned advocates Dr. James Makokis and Anthony Johnson. Their insights will provide valuable perspectives on various aspects of labour and representation in Canada.

“The PIPSC convention is not just a meeting; it's a milestone in the journey towards a more progressive, responsive, and impactful union,” said Carr. “It's an opportunity for members to come together, share ideas, and commit to a future that is ready for the challenges and opportunities ahead.”

PIPSC represents over 72,000 public-sector professionals across the country, most of them employed by the federal government. Follow us on Facebook, on X (formerly known as Twitter) and on Instagram


For more information: Johanne Fillion, cell.:  613-883-4900,

The mini-budget update – otherwise known as the Fall Economic Statement – given by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland on November 21, 2023, heavily prioritized housing and affordability for Canadians.

We continue to strongly advise the government to tackle its goal of fiscal restraint by addressing the costly outsourcing within their IT departments. 

The government identified $691 million per year in new spending reductions at federal departments and agencies. These savings were found as part of their ongoing spending review, over and above the $15 billion already announced in Budget 2023. Few details were provided, and we remain concerned about potential job losses or service cuts. 

The FES ominously pledged to “return the public service closer to its pre-pandemic growth track.” This would be hard to achieve without a budget freeze and attrition, at the very least. The growth in the public service is on par with the growth in Canada’s population. On a per capita basis, Canada’s public service is at the same size as it was in 2012, despite providing more services to an aging population. It is misleading for the government to promote a narrative of unfettered growth when the public service has only been keeping up with the growth in the country’s population.  

The government’s dependency on outside IT Consultants is destructive and fiscally irresponsible. By reducing outsourcing and bolstering in-house capacity through employee empowerment and upskilling, we will reach the goals outlined in the Fall Economic Statement and improve services to Canadians.   

Now is the time for the government to hone in on our recommendations and work to develop a long-term, strategic approach to IT within the government.

Bright spots in the Fall Economic Statement include improvements to the Competition Act that will protect Canadians from price gouging by companies that have unfair monopoly power. Many of these changes are in line with recommendations made by PIPSC members at the Competition Bureau. If implemented accordingly, this will represent the most comprehensive set of reforms to the act since it was first instituted forty years ago.  

The FES also showed that “net actuarial losses” due to the government’s pension liabilities are now in fact surpluses, meaning public service pensions are a contributor to the government’s fiscal health. 

The government also announced its intention to continue with the implementation of the Digital Services Tax at the end of 2023. This measure will make it harder for the big tech companies to avoid paying Canadian taxes by booking profits in tax havens. Recently, there has been international pressure to stop or delay this change until an international solution can be implemented. Staying the course is the right response.

With the announcement by the Front commun intersyndical du secteur public québécois that a second strike sequence will take place from November 21 to 23, and the announcement by the Fédération autonome de l'enseignement (FAE) that an indefinite strike may be called as of November 23, the closure of schools and daycares will likely create childcare challenges for some employees.

To mitigate these challenges, we recommend that members explore the following options in discussion with their immediate manager:

  • flexible working hours,
  • use of family members, friends or alternate care arrangements, 
  • teleworking or modified work arrangements.

If none of these options are viable, and you are unable to work because of the closures, contact your steward immediately for advice and guidance on the leave available under your collective agreement. We are of the opinion that, due to the unpredictability of rotating strikes, employees may, depending on their individual circumstances, be entitled to take family-related leave in this context.

We will assist you in determining whether an individual or group grievance should be filed, particularly for any discrimination based on gender or family status.


Rules of Procedure for PIPSC AGM

Minutes of the 2022 AGM

Code of Respect

Institute ByLaws

Retired Members Guild Brochure

Anti-Harassment Champions: 

Anti-Harassment Champions will be available at the PIPSC Convention 2023. If you require assistance please reach out to the Sergeant-At-Arms or a staff member, who will direct you to one of our Anti-Harrassment Champions. 


2023 AGM Reports

Vice Presidents Reports

President's Evaluation - Report 2023
Disposition of Carried Resolutions 103rd AGM
Policy Changes from November 2022 to October 2023

PIPSC Convention 2023 Delegate Participant List
Financial Information

These documents are available on the Finance Portal. You can sign up for an account here.


We have all been appalled by the bloodshed we’ve witnessed in the past three weeks. 

The conflict in the Middle East has taken a personal toll on PIPSC members with a direct connection to the region. We have members who have lost loved ones in the Hamas attacks on October 7. Members who have lost loved ones in the Israeli response. Members who are worried for the safety of their loved ones across the region. And members who are facing growing Islamophobia, antisemitism and anti-Palestinian racism in our own communities. 

We send these members our deepest condolences and our solidarity. We are in contact with the Muslim Federal Employees Network and the Jewish Public Servants' Network to monitor the experience of our members in the workplace and in the community. We stand united against any expression of hatred. We support our members in creating hate-free spaces for dialogue, engagement and solidarity at a time of grief and division. 

PIPSC has added our support to a growing list of labour and civil society organizations in support of a ceasefire and humanitarian relief. Palestinians, Israelis, and all people in the region deserve to live in peace and security and with justice for all.

We invite all our members to reach out to colleagues inside our union who are directly impacted by this war. This is a time for solidarity and engagement. It’s also a time to reject hatred in all its forms. As a public servant, you are able to engage in rallies, petitions, letter-writing and other political actions that do not promote violence and/or hatred – but you must do so on your personal time (outside of work hours, during paid time off, etc.). If you have any additional questions or concerns, we encourage you to contact your steward.



PIPSC has put out a detailed guide for members of the Public Service Healthcare Plan to help navigate some of the more complex plan changes and explain the appeals processes when a claim is denied.  Members are encouraged to review this document before reaching out to Canada Life, which continues to face significant and unacceptable backlogs in its PSHCP customer support centers.  Members seeking information on their plan or have general questions, can read through our comprehensive guide and FAQ on our website before reaching out to the Canada Life call center.  A webinar is also available to explain the updated plan.

For client issues, Canada Life is prioritizing urgent matters - such as coverage for high-cost drugs.  Minor administrative and coverage errors will be addressed as capacity increases - please expect a significant delay.  Should Canada Life deny a final appeal or should you not be able to reach them for an exceptionally urgent matter - such as costly treatment coverage - PIPSC can attempt to intervene and ask your claim to be given priority.  We note that PIPSC does not have access to your Canada Life account.

PIPSC, other bargaining agents and the Retirees' Association continue to pressure the Treasury Board to demand better of Canada Life.  This is not the level of service we expect or were promised.  We thank our members for their ongoing patience through this frustrating transition and are taking measures to protect your interests.

All members (even those who don't have the PSHCP) are reminded that, through Service Plus, they can benefit from 90% coverage on prescription medication when filled at our pharmacy partner Mednow.  

The public service healthcare plan covers most PIPSC members and their dependents, including retirees working in the Core Public Administration and at many separate employers.