NRC-LS Group

AGM Notice and Call for Nominations – November 23, 2018


All NRC employees who are part of the NRC Library Science (LS) Group and are members of PIPSC are invited to attend the 2018 NRC-LS Group Annual General Meeting (AGM).

DATE: Friday, November 23, 2018

TIME: 12:00 (noon) to 1:00 p.m. (Ottawa time)


CS Montérégie Sub-Group

When:    October 23, 2018 - 5:30 p.m

Where: Paolo Gatuso 30 Taschereau Boulevard La Prairie, Quebec  J5R 5H7 450-444-7272

Seating limited to 40


1-    Call to order

2-    Approval of the agenda

3-    Review and approval of the June 21, 2017 minutes

4-    President’s report

5-    Treasurer’s report

i.    Budget 2017-2018


The AGM of the NCR Chapter of the Retired Members Guild and the NCR Chapter Elections will be held on:

Date: Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Time: Registration: 10:45 a.m. Meeting Starts: 11:00 a.m.
Location: Mandarin Restaurant, 290 West Hunt Club Road, Ottawa (Nepean), ON
- Turn south into the parking lot off Hunt Club between Prince of Wales and Merivale,  behind Jack Astor's Restaurant.

The CFIA S&A Group Executive invited CFIA S&A members to attend a Special General Meeting on August 30, 2018 in Montreal, Quebec, to present the proposed amended version of the CFIA S&A Group Constitution and By-laws to the membership to vote for the proposed amendments.

Candidate Profiles for the PIPSC 2018 National Election are now available!

Voting will be open for the PIPSC National Election in just under a month.Take this opportunity to learn about the diverse and talented members who are running for PIPSC leadership this year.

Members will be voting to elect the PIPSC President, Vice-Presidents (full and part-time) and Regional Directors.

PIPSC continues the fight to nix Phoenix and to insist on viable solutions proposed by our membership. 2018 collective bargaining is also kicking into high gear. The upcoming election of the PIPSC Board of Directors is the opportunity for members to choose the leadership who will see PIPSC all through these challenges and the next three years.

Be sure to get to know your 2018 PIPSC National Election candidates!

All members will receive a ballot between October 12th to 15th and the voting period will be open until November 2nd at 12:00 PM ET. Visit the National Elections page for more information.

On behalf of the BC/Yukon Region, I would like to thank you for your time, effort and commitment to our members. The work done by executive members at all levels of the organization is greatly appreciated. Branches, Groups and Sub-Groups all play a critical role in mandate of PIPSC and the implementation of our Regional programs.