For Immediate Release

Public Service Employees Rally in Vancouver to Fix Phoenix

Vancouver, October 18, 2017 – Hundreds of members of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC), the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) and the Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) are gathering in Vancouver today to protest the inability of the federal government to Fix Phoenix.

Statistics Canada Branch - AGM – October 31st, 2017


To: All members of the Statistics Canada Branch of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC)

You are all cordially invited to the 12th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Statistics Canada Branch of the National Capital Region of PIPSC.

Date: October 31st, 2017

Time: 12:00 – 13:00 *

Canada 150 Summer Contest

We want to send a big thank you to everyone who participated in our contest and helped make it a success.

It has been a great pleasure receiving your essays and photos of a unique place you traveled to or something interesting you did on your summer vacation taken in Canada, they were all amazing!

And special congratulations to the 15 winners of the Mark’s Work Wearhouse gift cards.

Member : City / Province

Vince Tieu / Gatineau, QC

Nancy Baessler / Saskatoon, SK


The Call for Nominations is for the following six (6) positions on the BCFNHA Group Executive:

1. President

2. Vice President

3. Secretary

4. Treasurer

5. Member-at-Large

6. Member-at-Large

Please see the following for the description of duties from section 6.8 of the BCFNHA By-Laws:

6.8 Duties