President’s Evaluation Report 2017

Canadians have the most effective public service in the world, says a new international study.[1] I’m not surprised. Working with public service professionals, I know just how valuable our members are to Canadians.

Updated - Information Sessions on Tentative Agreement for NCR IT Region

Information Sessions on Tentative Agreement for NCR IT Region Please check with your local steward for any changes/updates

Date / Location/ Boardroom / Times

October 20, 2017 Fitzgerald / D5-32 / 10:00 AM / 11:00 AM
Connaught 2037 / 01:00 PM    / 02:00 PM

October 23, 2017 395 Terminal / Room 1009 / 11:00 AM
395 Terminal / Room 3005 / 01:00 PM    / 02:00 PM

Greetings, you have certainly heard about the #metoo or #moiaussi movement carried by victims of sexual misconduct, harassment and assaults. Do not put heads in the sand, this certainly does not occur only to others.

Tolerance toward these behaviours should not be an option. Whether you are a victim or a witness, talk about it.

Talk to a trusted friend or colleague.

Talk to a family member.

Request For Interest

The CS Group Executive is looking for stewards that are interested in being involved in the contracting out action plan which will target contracting out of CS work within the public service.   The work will involve placing grievances and following through the process with the support of PIPSC staff and the CS Group Contracting Out Action Team.  Training will be provided.

Please fill out the following application and send to:

Eva Henshaw

Contracting Out Officer

CS Group Executive

The RE and SP groups have identified conference attendance as a significant issue.  During the last bargaining rounds the employer admitted that it had incomplete data on conference attendance and denials, and thus PIPSC would like to collect more information from members on their conference attendance experiences to build a comprehensive database for both approved and denied attendance. We would ask all members to report on their conference attendance and non-attendance in the form at:

Annual General Meeting – AGM 2017

Date: Tuesday, 28 November 2017, (15:00 – 18:00 pm)
Location: Air Force Officer’s Mess, 158 Gloucester Street, Ottawa


You are cordially invited to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM 2017) and complementary Buffet Dinner, on Tuesday, 28 November 2017.


For Immediate Release

Public Service Employees Rally in Vancouver to Fix Phoenix

Vancouver, October 18, 2017 – Hundreds of members of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC), the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) and the Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE) are gathering in Vancouver today to protest the inability of the federal government to Fix Phoenix.