Join us!  Fix Phoenix!

PIPSC will join in PSAC to rally in downtown Nanaimo at noon on Wednesday, October 18 at 60 Front Street.  A bus will pick up at PBC at 11:30am, returning at 1:10pm.

Federal public service workers are proudly committed to providing the services Canadians depend on. Yet thousands are still having financial troubles because they are not being paid correctly or on time.

In accordance with the NR Group Constitution, By-Law 8 Elections, the Group Elections Committee is sending out a Call for Nominations for the following seven (7) positions on the NR Group Executive: 4 in the NCR, 1 in Atlantic, 1 in Quebec, and 1 in BC/Yukon.

All regular and retired members of PIPSC who are members of the NR Group are eligible to run in their region. The nomination form must be signed by the nominated member indicating that the member is willing to serve if elected and must be signed by at least five (5) NR Group members.

Fellow members,

With everyone back to work after the summer holidays, the Executive of the Ville-Marie Branch would like to invite you to a happy hour at one of Montreal’s popular hidden bars on Thursday, October 19 at 5 p.m.

Note: For this special occasion, only the first 20 people to register will be considered and will receive the details on how to get to the event. Obviously, we will accept more if the bar lets us. As we’ve done in the past, we will be offering two free drinks to those attending.

12 October 2017, Ottawa — Hundreds of public service workers are holding a rally at 12:30 pm today in front of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office to send a clear message to the Liberal government: Enough is enough!

The Liberal government had set itself a deadline of October 31, 2016, to resolve the bulk of pay cases and now, a year later, the Phoenix pay system is still struggling. It’s time to fix Phoenix once and for all and pay damages to the thousands of public service workers who have struggled with the consequences of erratic and insufficient pay and, in many cases, no pay.

The ill-conceived and premature launch of the Phoenix pay system has resulted in severe consequences, despite the estimated $750 million spent so far:

  • nearly half of public service employees have had problems with pay, leading to a variety of stressful scenarios for workers and their families
  • there have been 11 government-wide breaches of personal information due to Phoenix
  • the number of new problematic pay cases continue to grow

“This has gone on long enough,” said Greg McGillis, Regional Executive Vice-President for the Public Service Alliance of Canada in the National Capital Region. “We call on the government to ensure public service workers receive payments for damages due to this unbelievable fiasco.”

“Fixing Phoenix means ending government’s appalling record of over-reliance on IBM and other outsourced services,” said Debi Daviau, President of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada. “Parliamentary Secretary Steven MacKinnon said last week that the government would fix this problem to everyone’s satisfaction using public employees. We plan to hold him to that promise.”

Media Contacts:

Alroy Fonseca                                                                       

Regional Political Communications Officer              

PSAC National Capital Region                                  

613-262-3658 |

Johanne Fillion

Press Officer


613-883-4900 |

Notice of the Annual General Meeting & Election of Officers

St. John’s SP Sub-Group

Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Time: 7:00 pm

Place: PSAC Boardroom, 33 Pippy Place St. John’s, Newfoundland


1. Approval of Agenda

2. Approval of Previous AGM Minutes – June 9, 2015

3. Treasurer’s Report

4. A discussion on next round of collective bargaining – T. Landry SP Group President

11 October 2017, Ottawa — Public service workers will be holding a rally in front of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office on October 12 to tell the Liberal government that: Enough is enough! Fix Phoenix now and pay damages to workers!

When: 12 October 2017 at 12:30pm

Where: Corner of Wellington and Elgin


  • Rally to protest Phoenix pay system.
  • Photo ops:
    • crowds with placards.
  • Interview ops:
    • Greg McGillis, Regional Executive Vice President for the National Capital Region, Public Service Alliance of Canada
    • Debi Daviau, President, The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada
    • Sean McKenny, President, Ottawa & District Labour Council

Media Contacts:

Alroy Fonseca
Regional Political Communications Officer
PSAC National Capital Region
613-262-3658 |

Johanne Fillion
Press Officer
613-883-4900 |

Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Chapter ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM)

November 3, 2017 – Limited Seating! RSVP ASAP!

You are invited to attend the 2017 Annual General Meeting of the GTA Chapter of the Retired Members Guild (RMG), which will feature a subsidized lunch and guest speakers.

Date: Friday, November 3, 2017

Registration and Lunch: 11:30 a.m.

Time: From noon to approximately 2:30 p.m.