The federal Pay Equity Act was passed nearly two years ago, yet it has not been implemented. We have submitted our recommendations to improve the Pay Equity Act and ensure the timely implementation of this important legislation.
The claims process for severe financial cost or loss caused by Phoenix is now available. It is important that you look carefully at your situation and make a claim if you are eligible. Together, we have worked hard to ensure you are repaid every cent you are owed.
"I hope our members know that we are working to ensure their health and safety, protecting their rights and that we’re here to listen if they do have concerns.”
The New Brunswick Premier wants a one-year wage freeze and three years with only a 1% annual increase for public servants. We are working with all other bargaining agents to push back against this wage freeze.
Ontario hospital workers are being denied leave with pay when required to self-isolate due to possible COVID-19 exposure. This is unacceptable. We are demanding better.
We stand in solidarity with present and former Black federal public servants who have filed a class-action lawsuit against the Treasury Board for anti-Black discrimination.
On December 5, 2020, a majority of the delegates present chose to suspend the deliberations of the day and resume the AGM on a future date, to be determined by the Institute’s Board of Directors.
Following the results of our most recent survey of PIPSC members in the federal public service, PIPSC has filed a series of policy grievances with the employer.
PIPSC Economist, Ryan Campbell, brings us the 5 takeaways from Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland’s 2020 fiscal update delivered on Monday, Nov. 30, 2020.
Canada’s public service is here for you. Learn more about the accomplishments and continuous work of Canada's largest union of professional employees in this year’s Annual Report.
Presented to the 101st Annual General Meeting
Fellow Members,
I am pleased to have this opportunity to report of my activities of the past 11 months to the 2020 AGM.
Presented to the 101st Annual General Meeting
Pandemic forces us to focus on our strategic priorities
Vice-President Stéphane Aubry’s Report
Presented to the 101st Annual General Meeting
Dear Members,
I am honoured once again to present a short report on the issues I have been working on over the past year.
Presented to the 101th Annual General Meeting
The ECC is pleased to report on year two (2) of its three-year work plan (2019-2021) as approved by the Board in 2019.
The PIPSC Human Rights and Diversity Committee held an anti-Black racism webinar where participants learned how the labour movement and Canadians can combat racism.
I encourage you to attend the upcoming Canada School of Public Service webinar, Bill C-65 and Its Impact on Workplace Harassment, Violence and Safety, which will be held on November 16th from 1:30 pm to 3pm (Eastern).
Members of the public service pension plan and benefits plans can sign up for a newly launched email notification system. This new service is available for current and retired PIPSC members who belonged to a Treasury Board pension or benefits plans.
The new guidelines on the use of leave code 699 fail to take into account the very difficult circumstances that so many of our members still find themselves in. We've written a strongly-worded letter to the Treasury Board President on this issue.
The 101st Annual General Meeting will be our first ever online-only AGM. Delegates are encouraged to read the Participants Guide prior to the start of the meeting.
To date, the use of Code 699 has been minimal. Those who need it – need it. It is a great disappointment that the Treasury Board has decided to change its guidance on the use of Code 699.