Atlantic Regional Council Video about Phoenix

In May 2018, I spoke at the Atlantic Regional Council about ongoing issues surrounding the Phoenix pay system. If there’s one thing that brings home better than any other the impact of Phoenix it’s the stories our members have to tell.

Here is a short video we made following the event that, I think, makes that point well. I encourage you to share your own stories at

Better Together!
Debi Daviau

15 June 2018
As the joint communiqué released today between Treasury Board President Scott Brison and myself shows, there is new progress to report on our efforts to replace the dysfunctional Phoenix pay system.

15 June 2018
Protecting the pensions of our members is a top priority at PIPSC. That’s why over the last year we have been fighting so hard to ensure our members at Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) remain in the Public Service Pension Plan.

8 June 2018
On behalf of The Professional Institute, I applaud your accomplishments. Thank you for your professionalism, dedication, and continuing to do your job, on behalf of Canadians, even when knowing you may not be paid correctly, if at all.

30 May 2018
There should be nothing “incomprehensible” about the failure of the Phoenix pay system.

9 May 2018
Last month, I had the opportunity to represent PIPSC and the Canadian labour movement at the Labour 7 (L-7) summit in Ottawa. This was a preparatory meeting hosted by the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) leading up to the G-7 meeting this summer in Québec.

25 April 2018
Friends, I have great news! You finally have a union.