The parties met again in Beausejour, MB on January 30, 31 and February 1, 6, 7 & 8, 2018. Additional dates are being scheduled for March or April. Federal Mediators continue to facilitate the discussions. Significant progress was made during the last 6 days and all of the issues have been explored at this time.

Several items have been agreed during the negotiations and will be presented at ratification. In addition the both bargaining units will be provided with a dedicated office space for WTEG/WPEG business. 

Hello AU-CO-PG members in Gatineau subgroup,

Our 2018 communication campaign is to get you information through various self-service sources.

Some facts first:

Gatineau Subgroup has a current membership of 2,063 members, up from 1,944 in 2017.

The AV Group nationwide has increase our population to 5,744, up from 5,400 in 2017.

Here are some self-service sources of information for you:

1)      Social media on facebook: Go to Sous-groupe AV Gatineau Subgroup and request to be added

PIPSC Coffee Klatch

Thursday February 22, 2018 from 9:30 am to 10:30 am.

2nd Floor Cafeteria, 451 Talbot St.

Come out and have a coffee, tea and munchies courtesy of your London PIPSC AFS Subgroup.

Fed up with Treasury Board taking so long to approve our new contract?

Your local union Executive will be delivering a letter to each MP in London and area regarding the delays with our contract and the continuing problems with Phoenix. 

On February 7, 2018, PIPSC Vice-President Stéphane Aubry and Special Advisor to the President Emily Watkins testified before the Standing Senate Committee on National Finance about the Phoenix pay system’s impact on Institute members.

They presented the Institute’s core position that its members – like all working Canadians – deserve to be paid accurately and on time. To do that, they need adequate staff support in their workplaces to resolve ongoing Phoenix pay issues. Just as importantly, the government should get rid of Phoenix and task its own 13,000-strong IT professionals with building an in-house pay system – a system that will be better, cheaper and more reliable than Phoenix.

They also took the opportunity to raise the issue of overpayments caused by Phoenix and the impact these will have on our members over the course of the upcoming “tax season”.

Finally, they brought up the matter of compensation for public servants in light of the many hardships Phoenix has caused them, including untold stress and the time spent dealing with pay problems.

This meeting with leading Senators is just one of the many government relations initiatives underway at the Institute to bring matters of critical importance to its members directly to the attention of Canada’s political leaders.

Stephane Aubry

Institute Vice-President Stéphane Aubry with PSAC’s Heather Finn and Chris Aylward.

On February 6, 2018 PIPSC President Debi Daviau led a dozen-strong Institute delegation to Ottawa’s Parliament Hill as part of the Canadian Labour Congress’ (CLC) annual Lobby Day.

Some 300 Canadian labour movement representatives took the Hill by storm that day, participating in over two hundred meetings with federal Ministers, Members of Parliament and Senators to discuss the issues of Pharmacare, Pay Equity, Employment Insurance and Retirement Security.

Not only is the CLC Lobby Day a significant opportunity for Canada’s elected officials to better understand the interests of working people across the country, it is an excellent demonstration of the ongoing strength and vitality of Canada’s labour movement.

Andrew Leslie

The Institute’s Greg Scriver and Waheed Khan, joined by colleagues from other labour organizations, meet with Member of Parliament Andrew Leslie.

Debi with Minister Hajdu

PIPSC President Debi Daviau with fellow labour activists and Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour Patricia Hajdu.

Report: A total of three (3) completed nomination forms were received by Brigitte Jolin of PIPSC by the submission deadline, December 7, 2017 @ 3pm. Each form was independently validated in accordance with our current bylaws. Therefore, these three candidates stood for election.

Further to the Call for Nominations published on January 30, 2018 on the SP website please see the following updates and corrections below.

Nominations Closing Date

The closing date for nominations will be March 1, 2018 (at noon eastern standard time) instead of February 26, 2018 as indicated in the initial posting.