In celebration of Women's Day, PIPSC NCR Region is hosting a dinner on Saturday evening 10 March – 5:30 p.m.  This event is limited to 60 attendees.  To register, send your name and a short description of why you wish to attend.  Selection will be made on 2 March 2018, and attendees notified.  The theme of the evening is "Personal Agency", with speakers from within the public service.  Simultaneous translation is not available for this event, but questions may be asked in the language of your choice.  Register with the following registration form by 2 March 2018.

Fellow members,

With “tax season” fast approaching, the government has recently updated the information available online regarding three types of financial claims linked to the Phoenix pay system: requesting an advance for government benefits; reimbursement for tax advice; and claims for out-of-pocket expenses.

Given the very real impact of Phoenix on so many of our members’ finances, I encourage you to read these materials and ensure you have the latest information at your disposal.

Need help with your Phoenix issues? Contact us at

Better Together!

Debi Daviau,

Notice of the 75th Prairie/NWT Regional Council


June 1st and 2nd, 2018


 Matrix Hotel, Edmonton, Alberta

The 75th Prairie/NWT Regional Council (PRC) will be one and a half (1.5) days starting on the afternoon of Friday, June 1 and continuing all day Saturday, June 2, 2018

If you are interested in attending the PRC, please contact your Branch President by March 29, 2018.

MEDIA ADVISORY                                                               For Immediate Release

Attention News/Assignment Editors:

PIPSC President Available for Comments Following Release of 2018 Federal Budget

OTTAWA, February 26, 2018 – Debi Daviau, President of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) will be available on February 27, 2018 from 4:00 p.m. onwards in Room 253-D, Railway Committee Room, Centre Block to provide comment on the 2018 federal budget.

When:       Tuesday, February 27, 2018, 4 p.m.

Where:     Railway Committee Room (253-D), Centre Block, Parliament Hill

PIPSC represents some 55,000 public-sector scientists and other professionals across the country, most of them employed by the federal government.

Follow us on Facebook and on Twitter (@pipsc_ipfpc).

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For further information:            

Johanne Fillion, (613) 228-6310 ext. 4953 or (613) 883-4900 (cell),

Pierre Villon, (613) 228-6310 ext. 4928 or (613) 794-9369 (cell),

Your collective agreement expires on December 21st, 2018. You are invited to provide your input into the negotiations of your next agreement through this bargaining survey.
The executive of the Statistics Canada Branch of PIPSC is organizing a traditional Sugar Shack Brunch for you to meet your fellow PIPSC colleagues and their immediate families. This is a great opportunity to chat with your Branch executive, discuss any union issues, or just to spend time with your colleagues and reap the benefits of being part of the PIPSC Branch at Statistics Canada.