There are six (6) SP Executive national pool positions to be filled by election for a three-year term, to expire with the completion of national pool elections in 2021. The positions are as follows:

Call for nominations

The Regional Chair and the Regional Executive are requesting nominations for the NCR 2018 Executive of the Year Award. All nominations are due by April 6, 2018. The nominations should be sent to Faxed nominations may be sent to the PIPSC NCR office (1-800-465-7477) attention Anne McBride, or the nomination forms can be scanned to

P1.3 NCR Executive of the Year award

The executive members of the Senate Legislative Clerks Group of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada met with Pierre Ouellet (Negotiator) on January 23, 2017 at 9 a.m. in Salon B, 250 Tremblay Road for an Executive training session.

In attendance:

  • Mireille Aubé
  • Marie-Eve Belzile
  • Natalie Tessier (Negotiations Coordinator)
  • Pierre Ouellet (Negotiator)
  • Mark Palmer
  • Lucie Séguin (Finance Coordinator)

Agenda item 1: Training for the new executive committee members


Keynote Speakers

Sean O’Reilly, Acting Vice-President, PIPSC

Robert MacDonald, Director BC/Yukon, PIPSC

Phil Choo, AFS Regional Representative

Elections will be held for the following Positions and Terms:

Vice President, Secretary and 2 Members at Large – Three Year Term

Treasurer – One Year Term

The seminar is full and we cannot accept any more registrations.

Additional date: Saturday, February 17, 2018

Members of the Ottawa South Branch are cordially invited to attend with their teenage child a workshop for Teens and Financial Literacy (Parents optional)
Speaker:  Pamela George

Pamela is an Accredited Financial Counsellor of Canada (AFCC) and is the author of Three Little Piggybanks-Financial Literacy for Children.  

As we approach the two-year anniversary of the introduction of the Phoenix pay system, PIPSC members are still facing mounting pay problems – and they’ve had enough. The time has come for the government to compensate employees for the hardship this system has put our members through.

PIPSC is therefore aggressively pursuing every legal remedy we can to ensure members are properly compensated:

  • Along with other unions, we are actively pursuing damages that would apply to all public service employees; this could be compensation in the form of time and/or money.
  • Members, working with our stewards and Employment Relations Officers, have filed over 900 individual grievances seeking resolution and recourse for their pay problems. 
  • In response to the government’s failure to implement collective agreements on time, even after negotiating for over 2 years, and thus denying members their rightful retroactive pay, we have filed 5 policy grievances and a further 5 unfair labour practice complaints.
  • Indeed, as many already know, PIPSC also fought for the creation of a Treasury Board Claims Office and other essential interim measures, and we continue to advocate for further coverage through this process. 

As always, we welcome your feedback on our work and if you require assistance with your own pay problem we encourage you to communicate with our Labour Relations Resource for Phoenix at (PIPSC also offers loans to members especially hard hit by Phoenix. To find out more click here.)

Hamilton/Burlington Branch 2018 AGM & Dinner

Date: Thursday, February 22, 2018, 5:30-9:30 pm

Location: The INNSVILLE Restaurant, 1143 Hamilton Regional Road 8, Stoney Creek, ON L8E 5G7

5:30 – Mixer

6:30 – Call to Order

7:15 – Dinner (Buffet Chicken, Steamed Vegetables & Potatoes)

9:30 - Adjournment
