Dear Members,

Last month, I had the opportunity to represent PIPSC and the Canadian labour movement at the Labour 7 (L-7) summit in Ottawa. This was a preparatory meeting hosted by the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) leading up to the G-7 meeting this summer in Québec.  As a CLC Vice-President, I was invited to participate in this important discussion of how we can best tackle the challenges facing workers today and in the future.  Topics included ensuring the innovation agenda is inclusive, gender equality, and adapting to technological change. 

It was a unique opportunity to meet with labour leaders from the G-7 countries (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States) and to discuss our issues with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and key members of his Cabinet. Not only did we enjoy an open and frank discussion with the Prime Minister, but we also had the opportunity to engage in a productive dialogue with Ministers Patty Hadju (Employment, Workforce Development and Labour), Maryam Monsef (Status of Women), and Chrystia Freeland (Foreign Affairs). 

Below are a few photos from the two-day session, including one of me with our Prime Minister, and the other with an impressive group of international women leaders that I was humbled to meet.

Better Together!
Debi Daviau


Debi with women leaders


Debi with Trudeau
Bargaining Update To all Proud CS, Have you missed us? Here we are in bargaining mode again…

We would like to provide an update on the PSTAR grievances, FPSLREB File Nos. 566.34.9832 & 9833 (Myles & Alcock). We are still waiting for the Labour Board (FPSLREB) to set hearing dates in these matters, however, we expect that it will later this year. As soon as the dates are set PIPSC will post them here on its website and we encourage you to visit the website in the coming weeks for updates on this matter.

Date: Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Time: 5:00 pm

Location:  St. Thomas Church Auditorium, 8 Military Road, St. John's

Guest Speaker: Chris Roach, Vice-President, AFS Group

Elections will be held for President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, and 2 Members at Large.

Sandwiches and beverages to be provided at the meeting.  Please RSVP via e-mail to .

Happy National Nursing Week to all nursing professionals across Canada!

Every day, your hard work improves the lives of Canadians. During this special week, the theme of “Yes This Is Nursing,” reminds us of the diverse work that nurses take on from monitoring patients’ health to performing critical diagnostic tests and administering lifesaving, innovative treatments.

On behalf of the Professional Institute, I want to thank the over 3,000 nurses who work in a variety of departments and institutions across the country.

To celebrate this occasion, I’d like to share a profile of PIPSC member Valerie Emery who explains the challenges and benefits of her work in a Whitehorse emergency room:

Watch the video.

As she expresses so well:

“In the emergency room, people come in and it’s the worst day of their lives. So just meeting them where they’re at and being able to help them through their crisis for the day…it gives me joy to be able to do that for them and their families.”

To Valerie and all her colleagues across the country, thank you again for your invaluable contribution to the well-being of Canadians and for bringing the principles of caring, and community to our health care system.

Better together!
Debi Daviau

Please join us for a briefing by PIPSC steward and subject matter expert Eva Henshaw on the Employee Wellness Support Program (EWSP), which is the wellness plan that is being proposed as a solution to replace our current sick leave system.

Date: Thursday, May 24, 2018

Time: 7:00 pm

Place: Carleton Room, Crowne Plaza, 1005 Main St., Moncton

Refreshments will be served.