Applicants can declare themselves for the elective positions either by email or from the floor at the AGM. They can also, of course, have their names put forward for one position. All candidates must be of good standing and members of the GAC CS Sub-group‎.
The deadline for the Employer to process your retroactive pay was May 12, 2018 and has now passed. If you have not received your retroactive pay, you should immediately fill out a Phoenix Feedback Form, contact your Employer’s Human Resources Department, and contact our dedicated PIPSC Phoenix staff about filing a grievance.

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Statistics Canada Ottawa CS Sub-Group will be held on Tuesday June 12, 2018.

Location: Simon Goldberg Conference Room

Time: 12:00 – 13:00 *

· Adoption of the agenda for the meeting

· Adoption of the 2017 AGM minutes

· Introduction of the executive members

· President’s Report

· 2017 Financial Report

· 2018 Budget Revised (for information only)

· 2019 Budget

· Bargaining Update

· Elections

Members of the Bargaining Team for the SH Group met with the SH Subgroup Presidents in Ottawa May 7, 2018. The members of the Bargaining Team then met May 8 and May 9, 2018 for preparatory meetings for the upcoming round of bargaining.

DATE – November 2-3, 2018

LOCATION – NCR, Gatineau, QC

HOST HOTEL / MEETING LOCATION – Hilton Lac Leamy, Gatineau, QC

The Hilton will be filled on a first come, first served basis, by the first 300 registered delegates. All observers and remaining delegates will be booked at the Ramada Plaza, le Manoir du Casino Hotel (in Gatineau), overflow property.

OVERFLOW HOTEL – Ramada Plaza, le Manoir du Casino Hotel, Gatineau, QC

Registration Desk

  • Hours of Operation
  • Thursday, November 1, from 3:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
  • Friday & Saturday, November 2-3, from 6:30 a.m.

Please visit the registration desk to:

  • Register as a Delegate or Observer
  • Receive your AGM binder or key
  • Receive your meal tickets
  • Pick up handouts

Staff at the registration desk will direct you to pick up your voting device (for delegates) and your interpretation device (if needed).

If devices are not returned, there will be a cost of :

  • $50 for voting device
  • $300 for interpretation device

This amount will be deducted from your claim

AGM Binders

The AGM binder will be available in hard copy (binder) and/or on a USB key.

Please note that there will be limited external power available in the meeting room.

Thursday Night (November 1) – Welcome Reception

  • Information will be provided via the Web site and  at the Registration Desk


  • Details will be provided via the Web site and at the Registration Desk

Child Care – Delegates and observers are to make their own arrangements for child care with the hotel.

Meals and Allowances

  • The following meals will be provided and therefore cannot be claimed:
  • Friday, November 2 - Lunch
  • Saturday, November 3 – Breakfast and Lunch

Travel and Accommodation

  • All travel arrangements and hotel reservations must be made through BCD Travel at 1-800-263-4463

1 for English and 2 for French or at

  • Please be advised that when making your travel arrangements, BCD Travel will be using flight credits where possible. The lowest fare will be used for all flights under three hours and flex fares may be used for flights of three hours or more in duration.
  • If no travel arrangements (air or train) are required, BCD Travel will automatically reserve your hotel based on the check in and out dates provided on your registration form. A confirmation of reservation will be sent to you by email. If you do not receive this confirmation, please follow-up with BCD Travel.
  • All expenses incurred by Observers (travel, accommodation, salary replacement, all meals and incidentals) are the responsibility of the sponsoring Group or Region.

Travel Policy

Standard for Accommodation

Members attending a meeting will be entitled to accommodations the night before the meeting if that member cannot arrive at the meeting location on time without leaving their home before 7 am. This applies whether the member is driving or flying to the meeting and is predicated on the member traveling in the most direct manner without a meal stop.

Members attending a meeting occurring on two (2) or more consecutive days are entitled to accommodations, upon request, on the nights between the meeting days.

Members attending a meeting will be entitled to accommodations the night of the meeting if that member cannot arrive home by 8pm (meeting location time zone). This applies whether the member is driving or flying from the meeting and is predicated on the member traveling in the most direct manner including a one hour meal stop.


  • Shuttle service to and from the airport will be provided by BCD Travel.
  • Shuttle service between hotels will be provided by the Institute.

Contact Information

Julie Gagnon, AGM Coordinator

(613) 228-6310, ext 5018 / 1-800-267-0446




The Executive of the OCB has instructed the Elections Committee, in accordance with the OCB By-Law 8.2, to receive nominations for 5 Executive positions for a term of office for two years.

This notice is a request for nominations from all OCB members. Nominations may be submitted in writing to or may be made from the floor of the Branch Annual General Meeting (AGM).