Many PIPSC members will be retiring in the coming years. Can we or can’t we, should we or should we not: These are the questions that many of us are now facing. The Ottawa Centreville Branch is pleased to present a 2 1/2 hours retirement planning workshop for its members. The sessions are specifically targeted to federal public service employees and are presented by the Retirement Planning Institute, who are acknowledged experts in federal public sector pensions.

Details are as follows:

Date: June 13, 2018

At the request of the SUN-RT Group Executive and as per PIPSC By-Law, the PIPSC Elections committee is conducting the 2018 SUN-RT elections to the Group Executive. The SUN-RT Group is seeking to fill the following four (4) positions, all for two-year terms, in accordance with by-law 6.3 of the Model Group Constitution:

PIPSC Information Session: Introduction, Social and Employee Wellness Support Program update

Date and Location: May 22, 2018 at 4:00pm, Auditorium 3rd floor, 4900 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario

Please join us to learn more about your union, PIPSC and updates to the Employee Wellness Support Program.

Jennifer Carr will be our speaker. She is an engineer with DND and has served on the NR National Group Executive for a number of years.  Jennifer has extensive knowledge on EWSP and has been working on the EWSP portfolio since its inception.

As Researchers, it is essential to be able to participate in conferences, not only for our career progression, but to benefit the research program and the reputation of the Government of Canada. We must remember that conference attendance as well as scientific and professional society participation are not ‘training’ or a ‘perk’, but rather a critical part of how we do our work.