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17 April 2019
Please take the time to offer your important feedback or concerns before the April 30th deadline. Your feedback is essential to the work to replace Phoenix.
15 April 2019
Budgets are about choices. Budget 2019 chose to continue the underfunding of public science capacity in Canada.
12 April 2019
On April 2nd, the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) held its first-ever Indigenous Lobby Day on Parliament Hill, which was the first in Canadian labour history. CLC had 129 participants from 21 different union affiliates meeting with 78 Members of Parliament and Senators on Parliament Hill.
11 April 2019
On Wednesday, PIPSC members from across the country came together to participate in a central bargaining webinar with President Debi Daviau and Director of National Labour Relations Richard Beaulé.
11 April 2019
Zul Nanji is a retired International Tax Auditor with the CRA. Originally from Kenya, Zul has been working in international taxation since he moved to Ottawa in 1992, and was a tax auditor with the government for 35 years.
8 April 2019
This week members across the country are holding events in their workplaces to call on the federal government to Do Better on family leave. Lunch & learns, information sessions and family events are bringing members together to show strength and solidarity with the Central Bargaining Team.
5 April 2019
The CLC's latest report, "Islamophobia at Work: Challenges and Opportunities," discusses the rise of anti-Muslim attitudes and discrimination against Muslims in Canada and suggests actions employers, unions, and governments can take to put an end to this pernicious phenomenon.
3 April 2019
The PIPSC Central Table Bargaining Team met with Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) representatives from March 26 - 28, 2019. The two parties are beginning to narrow their focus.
3 April 2019
The Chief Science Advisor of Canada, Dr. Mona Nemer, recently released her 2018 Annual Report, in which she highlights the close working relationship she enjoys with the Professional Institute.
29 March 2019
With the 2018 tax season upon us, it is critical for PIPSC members to have accurate information as they prepare to file their tax returns. Unfortunately, Phoenix has caused innumerable pay errors for tens of thousands of our members.
21 March 2019
Racism, xenophobia and intolerance exist in all societies. It is up to us to call attention to discrimination, combat racism, xenophobia and related intolerances, and to promote tolerance, inclusion, unity and respect for diversity. We must teach the importance of being tolerant, inclusive, be united and respect each other unconditionally whatever is the origin of the person. Help fight racism.
20 March 2019
With the theme of En français… s’il vous plaît [In French…please], 220 million Francophones and friends worldwide celebrate their language and culture. This year, there is one more reason to celebrate, as 50 years ago, Canada adopted the Official Languages ​​Act.
20 March 2019
It’s hard not to see the latest federal budget as a pre-election platform. It’s equally hard not to see it as a progress report on the “real change” promised during the last election.
19 March 2019
Budget 2019 makes a significant investment in fixing the problems of the current Phoenix pay system, but falls short in announcing new funding for the government’s replacement, says the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC).
18 March 2019
“President Debi Daviau held a press conference Monday on Parliament Hill to provide an update on the third anniversary of the failed Phoenix pay system. Daviau called for the proper funding allocation in the federal budget 2019 to ensure a smooth implementation of the overhauled pay system.” reported Global News.
12 March 2019
From hospitals and highways, to courthouses and bridges, Mike Pauley has helped build some of New Brunswick’s most important public infrastructure. As a professional engineer for New Brunswick’s Department of Transportation and Infrastructure, Mike manages large projects that are usually highly political and controversial.
8 March 2019
THINK EQUAL, BUILD SMART, INNOVATE FOR CHANGE. “International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action to harness the power of technology to create a more equal world. It is imperative to remove the barriers facing women in STEM, so new ideas and solutions will be unleashed to transform our society and strengthen our economy.
8 March 2019
The CS Group broke new ground in 1991 when it became the first PIPSC group of more than 4,000 members to go on strike and to push for the development of a Strike Fund. They received much attention from national media, but were ordered back to work and had a settlement imposed.
8 March 2019
This year to mark International Women’s Day, we’re asking members like you to share your family leave story.
7 March 2019
The results of the 2018 Public Service Employee Survey (PSES) are in and, as with last year’s results, offer food for thought on the government’s progress (or lack of it) in some key areas of concern to PIPSC members.
6 March 2019
PIPSC celebrates National Engineering Month. Every March, Provincial and Territorial engineering regulatory bodies throughout Canada celebrate the contributions of engineers in our day to day life and spread awareness of the engineering profession to youth.
5 March 2019
Protecting our members’ pensions remains a top priority for PIPSC. On February 26, 2019 CRPEG President Jonathan Fitzpatrick was joined by Canadian Alliance of Nuclear Workers (CANW) representatives Steven Schumann and Matt Wayland  in a meeting with three members of the Opposition on Parliament Hill. The issue: the return of Canadian Nuclear Laboratories workers into a public service pension plan.
1 March 2019
On February 26th, the Canadian Labour Congress brought labour leaders from coast to coast to Ottawa to meet with federal MPs and Senators. Over 350 activists, including PIPSC members, pushed officials hard for a pharmacare plan and in support of better pension protection for workers and pensioners when companies go bankrupt.
28 February 2019
Over 60 participants traveled from across Canada to learn, share ideas and plan for increased engagement among PIPSC young professionals.
28 February 2019
The news this week that it will take a further three to five years to clean up the Phoenix backlog, and 10 or more years to stabilize the system, makes it obvious that on the third anniversary of the launch of the Phoenix pay system we should be laser-focused on implementing its replacement as soon as possible.
27 February 2019
The Phoenix pay system failure has left public servants under paid, over paid or not paid at all. The procurement process for a new pay system is underway, but PIPSC members continue to deal with serious personal consequences.
26 February 2019
On February 27, 2019, we encourage PIPSC members to take a stand against bullying by wearing pink. Stand up against bullying in all its forms and help protect your workplace each and every day by promoting respect, civility and diversity and inclusion.
25 February 2019
The aim of this training is to provide information about the processes that go into writing and establishing internal PIPSC policies. If you are interested in learning about the art of policy writing and how By-Laws are made, this is the place for you!
25 February 2019
OTTAWA, February 25, 2019 – The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) is marking the third anniversary of the Phoenix pay system failure with a National Week of Action. This week, members and union officials are organizing events across the country.
23 February 2019
President Debi Daviau will hold a press conference Monday on Parliament Hill to mark the third anniversary of the Phoenix pay system.
21 February 2019
The Treasury Board’s proposals for the issues below (in no particular order) are summarized into two categories; a proposal to apply the provisions in the applicable PIPSC group collective agreement or a proposal that the issue is “For Discussion”.
21 February 2019
The federal government needn’t worry about a consumer backlash to a sales tax on Canadians’ Netflix accounts, if newly released results from an Environics Research poll and a separate survey of Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) tax professionals are any indication, says the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC).
21 February 2019
On Tuesday February 5th PIPSC members were on Parliament Hill to discuss the importance of the critical public services we deliver to Canadians. A delegation of close to 30 members, representing a range of Groups and Regions, met with over 30 Parliamentarians. It was a unique opportunity to bring key priorities directly to the decision makers.
20 February 2019
PIPSC recently submitted comments to Finance Canada’s public consultation into draft legislative proposals related to salary overpayments.
20 February 2019
Your AFS Bargaining Team met with CRA management February 12 to 15 to continue negotiations to renew our collective agreement.
20 February 2019
The Ontario Regional Executive have selected the Westin Trillium House Blue Mountain, Collingwood for the 75th Ontario Regional Council meeting taking place on Friday April 5, 2019 and Saturday April 6, 2019.