
19 September 2017
It is with a profound sense of sorrow and regret that the Institute informs you of the passing of our friend and colleague, Dr. Lynn Bruce Helwig.  Lynn passed away on July 11, 2017. His commitment to Institute members was deep and unwavering. He will be missed.
8 September 2017
Announcement of RMG Election Results These are the results of the RMG election that closed on September 6, 2017. The term of office for each of these members elected to the RMG Executive shall be three (3) years.
4 August 2017
Announcement of Elections Following the close of nominations on August 1st 2017, the following members expressed their willingness to serve as representatives on the Retired Members Guild Executive.
12 July 2017
Retired Members Guild Executive Meeting April 6, 2017 250 Tremblay Ottawa, Ontario
28 April 2017
GUILD ELECTIONS – 2017 Elections to the Retired Members Guild Executive are now taking place. Attached you will find a Nomination Form. Please consider running and having the opportunity to serve on the Guild Executive to better help retirees.