
2 August 2017
For Immediate Release CRA GTA modernisation plan risks harming staff and service, says PIPSC
18 July 2017
In the May 24, 2017 communiqué, the AFS Group provided information concerning the settlement reached on May 9, 2017, in regard to the volunteer to personal day grievances.
18 July 2017
Your AFS Negotiation Team requested meeting dates as soon as possible following our last bargaining session held May 9-12.  On July 14th, CRA agreed to another bargaining session on September 19-21.  We look forward to resuming negotiations with the aim to conclude a collective agreement.
11 July 2017
Since the Institute was informed about the Canada Revenue Agency’s Greater Toronto Area (GTA) Service Modernization initiative at the end of June, I have written to the Hon. Diane Lebouthiller, Minister of National Revenue, and Bob Hamilton, Commissioner of Revenue, to express our serious concerns about the negative impact this plan will have on some 1,000 PIPSC members and their families, and to call for a halt to the implementation of the CRA GTA Service Modernization Plan
29 June 2017
GTA Service Modernization To all AFS members in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), As you are aware, the CRA has begun rolling out its GTA Service Modernization initiative across the region.
12 June 2017
Dear AFS Members, We have met with our AFS subgroup and CS zone presidents and they overwhelmingly support our continuing to fight for meaningful classification reform. We have a clear mandate in going forward.
9 June 2017
June 9, 2017 We have verified the results for the elections to positions on the AFS Group Executive. The following candidates were successful (names underlined) and will take office commencing July 1st, 2017: CS Regional Representative:
31 May 2017
Employees of the Government of Canada will be celebrating National Public Service Week (NPSW) from June 11th to June 17th.