Latest Branch News

23 October 2017
CONCURRENT PIPSC YUKON BRANCH/YHC GROUP ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 2017 DATE: 29 November 2017 LOCATION: Westmark Whitehorse, Bennett Room 201 Wood Street (on Wood Street at Second Avenue)
19 October 2017
MINUTES - PIPSC North Central Vancouver Island Branch Executive Committee Meeting, July 20, 2017 Cockoo Trattoria, Coombs Present: Carl Cahoon (Spring 2019) President Tamas Lipcsey (Spring 2019) Treasurer
16 October 2017
PIPSC Victoria Branch – 2016 Annual General Meeting and Elections Date: Thursday, November 24, 2016 Location: AMBROSIA EVENT CENTRE, 638 Fisgard St, Victoria, BC The meeting began at 5:30 p.m.
16 October 2017
Join us!  Fix Phoenix! PIPSC will join in PSAC to rally in downtown Nanaimo at noon on Wednesday, October 18 at 60 Front Street.  A bus will pick up at PBC at 11:30am, returning at 1:10pm.
16 October 2017
PREAMBLE These By-Laws, in general, pertain to matters of Branch organization not covered by the By-Laws and Regulations of The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada or of the British Columbia/Yukon Region, and are made pursuant to those By-Laws and Regulations.
27 September 2017
Vancouver Branch Executive Meeting (No.41) Minutes Thursday May 25, 2017 Location: White Spot Restaurant, 1616 West Georgia, Vancouver, B.C. Present
8 September 2017
July 19, 2017 Vancouver Branch Members,
6 September 2017
PIPSC Victoria Branch – 2017 Annual General Meeting and Elections Date: Saturday, October 14, 2017 Location: Gorge Vale Golf Club, 1005 Craigflower Road, Victoria, BC Meetings and Elections: 5:00pm - Welcome, Speeches, Elections
15 August 2017
PIPSC Okanagan Branch 2017 Annual General Meeting and Elections Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 Location: Sumac Ridge Golf & Country Club, 17333 Sumac Ridge Drive, Summerland, BC
11 July 2017
Draft Vancouver Branch Annual General Meeting Minutes Wednesday November 30, 2016 Holiday Inn & Suites, 1110 Howe Street, Vancouver, B.C.