Baljit Sekhon

Dear SP,

In June, 2018, I attended my second SP Bargaining Conference. I find these to be the most interesting and engaging union meeting.

As a Steward and SP Subgroup President, I feel a sense of duty to convey the concerns of my members to our Bargaining Team. I felt energized when I received support from my union colleagues for an important issue for Vancouver shift workers: access to safe & secure parking.  

Following the NR Bargaining Conference on September 21, the NR Bargaining Team met October 16 to 18, to review your survey feedback, as well as past priorities and current issues. This analysis has been developed into our initial bargaining priorities.

On November 20, workplaces and communities across Canada and around the world will take the time to observe Transgender Day of Remembrance and commemorate those individuals who have lost their lives or faced violence and discrimination due to transphobia. It is also a time to consider the harassment and discrimination trans people face, and what we must do to eliminate it.

PIPSC encourages members to join commemorative events in their communities.

Note members are attending the Ottawa ceremony all in the region are welcome.