2019 SP AGM – Save the Date The National Executive is pleased to announce that the 2019 Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Applied Science and Patent Examination (SP) Group will be held on Saturday, April 6, 2019.

Annual General Meeting Cape Breton Branch and AFS Sydney Sub-Group

Date: Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Place: Hearthstone Inn, 560 Kings Road, Sydney


5:15 – 6:00: AFS Sub Group AGM

  • Update from President
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Election

6:00 – 6:45: Cape Breton Branch AGM

  • Update from President
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Election

7:00: Dinner

The Team will be hosting two open houses next week on Tuesday and Wednesday to solicit input from the members on issues or concerns to be addressed during this round of bargaining. Please drop in and join us for coffee/tea and snacks!

The SP Group Executive and Bargaining Team wish you a very happy New Year 2019!

Bargaining will not be easy, so your engagement will be of great help.

We will aim for the best Collective Agreement, the one we deserve.


Your HC-NCR Branch Executives are inviting you and your immediate family members to our Annual Family Bowling Event. Two free games of bowling, complementary bowling shoe rental, pizza, a non-alcoholic beverage, and a chance to socialize with the families of your fellow HC members in the NCR are features of this favorite family event.
Your Bargaining Team would like to thank the members from Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver who participated in our focus groups.  Your input and suggestions were very helpful and we appreciate your participation over your lunch breaks to support your Union.