PIPSC Edmonton Branch – 2019 Annual General Meeting

The Edmonton Branch invites you to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Edmonton Branch to be held on Wednesday, February 20, 2019 at the New Tan Tan Restaurant, 10133 - 97th Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta T5J 0L2.

Cash bar at 16:30
Business meeting at 17:15 sharp
Dinner at an appropriate break

If you wish to attend, please RSVP Sharon by noon on February 18, 2019 or E-mail

It's been more than one year since PIPSC officially called the gov't to Nix Phoenix (Nov 2017). Things on that front are finally moving in the right direction to engage with the most important users, the federal employees.
Since last week, and until February 11, The NextGen HR and Pay Team is hosting a number of "User Expos", in the National Capital Region (NCR) and across Canada, to create awareness and offer opportunities for hands-on engagement.
The purpose of these events is to raise awareness of the NextGen initiative while offering public servants the opportunity to test possible solutions and share their feedback in light of their “Phoenix” experience. The NextGen HR and Pay Team hope to continue to leverage lessons learned and best practices in order to put the employees at the heart of this process.
We would like to encourage all members to participate in a "User Expo" near their workplace (see calendar below).
Note that the NextGen team also engages with public servants online via Twitter using the hashtags #NextGenHRPay and #ProGenRHPaye and welcomes feedback through its website that is regularly updated.User Expo Schedule
What a nicer way to start our SP union year than with a meeting with the Employer! Your Bargaining Team aims for a quick deal by the summer, before the federal election period starts, though it will not at the expense of a fair deal for all of you. So, by meeting early, we are trying to dance in that direction. Will we have someone to tango with?
Members of the Bargaining Team for the SH Group, as well as occupational representatives from other SH professions, met January 18 and 19/2019 to finalize profession specific pay proposals.
Your Bargaining Team is very pleased to present the ratification package in preparation for voting on the new tentative agreement! As you are aware, in the early hours of December 15, 2018 a tentative agreement was signed with the Employer, completing this round of negotiations.