News & Issues

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17 July 2017
While the current government has been right to criticize the last one for laying off hundreds of compensation staff before it rolled out Phoenix, it’s the decisions around outsourcing such projects in the first place that demand a rethink.
13 July 2017
I am pleased to report that our initiative to recruit and train CSs to work on Phoenix is making good progress.  I made a strong case for building the government’s in-house capacity at my recent meeting with the Cabinet Committee of Ministers tasked with fixing the beleaguered Phoenix pay system.
30 June 2017
Ordinarily, the announcement earlier this month that spending by the Department of Defence (DND) will grow from its current $18.9 billion to $32.7 billion by 2026 would be cause for Canadians (and especially PIPSC members employed by DND) to feel more secure.
30 June 2017
From the 55,000 professionals across Canada’s federal and provincial public sectors who proudly serve Canadians every day and the union that represents them, the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, a happy 150th birthday to the greatest country in the world!
29 June 2017
Last week I was invited to speak with the cabinet-level working group on Phoenix to discuss potential solutions to the Phoenix pay system. I brought to them a number of problems and possible solutions to help fix the disastrous Phoenix pay system. Public servants are still facing hardship and ongoing problems and we all desperately want to see relief and a solution soon.
20 June 2017
June is National Aboriginal History month and June 21st, National Aboriginal Day, is a special moment to celebrate First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples in Canada.
15 June 2017
"Taylor and Gibbs: A big step forward for Canada's federal scientists" published in the Ottawa Citizen on June 14, 2017
12 June 2017
The recent recommendations of yet another consultants’ report on Shared Services Canada (SSC) demonstrate that, when it comes to federal government outsourcing, there’s no shortage of private sector advice.
6 June 2017
Next week, June 11-17, is National Public Service Week (NPSW). Since 1992 it’s been an occasion to recognize and celebrate the contributions Canada’s public service professionals make to society. The Professional Institute supports this celebration of our members’ accomplishments. In fact, we first proposed it.
2 June 2017
A new report commissioned by Shared Services Canada (SSC) shows that the Institute is right in highlighting the dangers of outsourcing in the federal government.
2 June 2017
On June 1, 2017, the Joint Union-Management Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion presented a
2 June 2017
“Today’s update by Deputy Minister Lemay indicates that the government has again failed to plan ahead -- this time for entirely predictable increases in the numbers of employee payroll adjustments needed to implement new collective agreements,” said PIPSC Vice President Steve Hindle.
26 May 2017
The announcement this week that the federal government will temporarily hire an additional 200 staff, invest a further $142 million over three years, and introduce even more measures to expedite fixing Phoenix is welcome, if long overdue, news.
25 May 2017
PIPSC is proud to announce that its Head Office building located at 250 Tremblay Road in Ottawa is the recipient of a Building Owners and Managers Association of Canada BOMA BEST Silver certification, which recognizes excellence in energy and environmental mana
18 May 2017
DATE – November 17-18, 2017 LOCATION – NCR, Gatineau, QC
18 May 2017
PIPSC expresses its solidarity and support for members of the RCMP who are experiencing difficulty accessing front-line mental health services.
17 May 2017
DATE – November 17-18, 2017 LOCATION – NCR, Gatineau, QC HOST HOTEL / MEETING LOCATION – Hilton Lac Leamy, Gatineau, QC
16 May 2017
The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) is pleased to provide the following submission on Bill C-27, as requested in federal Minister of Finance Bill Morneau’s correspondence received March 2, 2017.
11 May 2017
Union files Phoenix grievances, wants federal government to 'immediately pay all monies owed' published on on May 11, 2017
5 May 2017
After defending literally hundreds of individual member grievances related to the Phoenix pay system and lobbying the government for many months with no permanent fix in sight, PIPSC has today filed policy
3 May 2017
Bill C-27: The Introduction of Target Benefit Plans What Is Bill C-27? Bill C-27 introduces a new pension framework into the federal jurisdiction –Target Benefit plans. It proposes sweeping changes to the Pension Benefits Standards Act (PBSA).
3 May 2017
Everyone who supports Defined Benefit pension plans should be opposed to this proposed legislation. The federal government has jurisdiction over two major labour relations regimes: (1) the federal sector (Crown Corporations, banks, telecoms and transportation companies etc); and (2) the federal public service (Treasury Board and Separate Agencies).
3 May 2017
Bill C-27 is a federal government-sponsored bill that would make it easier for employers to convert existing employee Defined Benefit (DB) pension plans to so-called Target Benefit (TB) plans. TB plans offer much less secure post-retirement income than Defined Benefit plans, shifting the burden of a secure retirement from employers to employees.
1 May 2017
Delegate Count by Group and Region as of December 31st 2016 - Regular and Retired Members Printer Friendly Version in PDF
1 May 2017
“We look forward to welcoming these new members into our community of dedicated professionals who serve Canadians every day. We believe we will be stronger together”, said PIPSC President Debi Daviau. “Our goal is to ensure that they maintain their current terms and conditions of employment and that the deeming process goes as smoothly as possible as they transition to occupational groups represented by the Institute”.
1 May 2017
To ensure that you are protected by a union as soon as possible, the Institute has submitted an application to the Public Service Labour Relations and Employment Board (PSLREB) under Section 58 of the Public Service labour Relations Act to become your bargaining agent as soon as possible. This would allow you to have official representatives working on your behalf prior to April 2018. We will communicate with you about the status of this application on a regular basis in the weeks and months ahead. In the meantime, we have prepared the following Questions and Answers to assist you during the transition period.
28 April 2017
Representatives from several public service unions reacted cautiously yesterday to the creation of a government working group to tackle the Phoenix pay system.
27 April 2017
"Feds to forgo $140-million in booked savings as they try to fix pay problems" published in the Globe and Mail on April 27, 2017
27 April 2017
"Trudeau tasks high-level cabinet group with fixing Phoenix" published on iPolitics on April 27, 2017
27 April 2017
The announcement today that the federal government will reallocate $140 million over two years to ensure federal employees affected by the Phoenix payroll system are properly paid is a welcome, if long overdue, commitment to fix Phoenix once and for all, says the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC).
26 April 2017
Dear Members,
24 April 2017
On April 24, 2017, the Joint Union-Management Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion launched an online survey to gather ideas to identify contributing factors to an inclusive workplace and barriers to inclusion faced by employees.
19 April 2017
Over the last several months PIPSC has been actively opposing Bill C-27, An Act to amend the Pension Benefits Standards Act. To ensure we succeed in ensuring the government knows that this type of degradation of our pension security is unacceptable, we encourage you to use this sample letter and write to your Member of Parliament.
12 April 2017
Since our communication on February 21, 2017, the Institute has been in discussions with the Treasury Board Secretariat on the deeming to occupational groups represented by PIPSC. We are committed to representing your best interests throughout this process and we are currently exploring two (2) options to be recognized as your bargaining agent prior to deeming and we will be communicating more details in the very near future.