More, better consultation needed on Treasury Board Policy Suite Reset

The Institute joins its fellow National Joint Council (NJC) bargaining agents in calling for more and better consultation on the Treasury Board Policy Suite Reset, an initiative introduced in 2014 “to streamline and clarify Treasury Board policy instruments while shifting public service culture towards a focus on better service and results.” (*)

PIPSC believes that the Reset has grown beyond the scope of its mandate, particularly when it comes to Treasury Board policies on people management. On these policies, the initiative is moving towards the elimination of clear accountability at the highest levels and fails to provide clear guidelines on such important workplace issues as daycare, employment equity, duty to accommodate, harassment, terms and conditions of employment, and many more.

The significance and scope of the proposed changes is such that the consultation process must be extended and re-oriented to include the participation of relevant NJC committees and subject matter experts. This will result in much more meaningful consultation and collaboration between the parties.

NJC bargaining agents raised these issues with the Treasury Board Secretariat’s Chief Human Resources Officer in a letter earlier this month. We look forward to her response to our concerns.

(*) As defined on the Canada School of Public Service web site