News & Issues

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9 November 2019
AGM delegates took advantage of the opportunity to discuss in detail the proposed budget and audited financial statements in a special financial information forum hosted by Finance Chair Chris Roach, and ably assisted by Dennis Britt, Director of Finance and Corporate Services, and Didier Paultre, Manager of Finance.
9 November 2019
Aviva Canada presents cheque to Legacy Foundation
9 November 2019
100th Anniversary Mural President Daviau shared with the delegates a short video about the making of the 100th Anniversary mural.
9 November 2019
Members’ Stories  Members can be proud of what PIPSC has accomplished over the past year. Members can also be proud of what they do every day for Canadians. Others deserve to know and celebrate what PIPSC members do.
9 November 2019
Director Robert MacDonald reported on the work of the Task Force on Professionals Canada since the last AGM.
9 November 2019
The Opening of the 100th AGM of the Professional Institute  On Friday, November 8, 2019, AGM Chair Sean O’Reilly called the 100th  Annual General Meeting to order with a warm welcome to the more than 650 delegates.
9 November 2019
CLC President congratulates PIPSC on 100 years of Leading Progress Hassan Yussuff, President of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC), congratulated PIPSC on 100 years of leading progress.
8 November 2019
Abacus Data CEO Dr. David Coletto presented PIPSC Member Survey Results     
8 November 2019
President’s Opening Address      President Debi Daviau gave a vibrant bilingual address.   
8 November 2019
First Nations Elder welcomes PIPSC AGM Delegates     
8 November 2019
A record number of more than 650 delegates convened in Ottawa to kick off a year-long celebration of the Institute’s 100th Anniversary. The theme of the AGM – and indeed – the 100th Anniversary – is Leading Progress.
7 November 2019
Ottawa, November 7, 2019 – The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) will hold its 100th Annual General Meeting on November 8 and 9 in Gatineau.
6 November 2019
The first ever PIPSC Women in Science Learning Lab brought together women and non-binary people in federal Public Sector science. Participants from across regions and groups met to take on the challenges they face in the workplace.
5 November 2019
Good day 2019 AGM Delegates and Observers, Congratulations on having been selected to represent your constituent body at the 100th AGM, which will be held on November 8-9, at the Hilton Lac Leamy, in Gatineau, QC.
4 November 2019
PIPSC and Treasury Board have come to an agreement on the implementation of your new Parental Leave allowance gains that were achieved during this round of negotiations.
4 November 2019
On October 8 and 9, 2019, the Mobilization team hosted two English and two French information session for PIPSC activists, in order to promote the new tools and resources available on the Action site.
31 October 2019
Last week, PIPSC President Debi Daviau had her first face-to-face discussion with RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki. It was a positive meeting that bodes well for our future work together on workplace improvements for our RCMP members.
30 October 2019
This year marks our 100th anniversary as a union committed to leading progress. 
28 October 2019
Union Leave with Pay Authorization Form 2019 AGM – TAN 25894
28 October 2019
Good day 2019 AGM Delegates and Observers, Congratulations on having been selected to represent your constituent body at the 100th AGM, which will be held on November 8-9, at the Hilton Lac Leamy, in Gatineau, QC.
24 October 2019
Please note: The new parental allowance provisions are currently applicable to the AV, NR, RE, SH, SP, CNRC (LS, IR, RO-RCO, TR), CRA (AFS), OSFI, CNSC (NUREG), NEB and NFB collective agreements.
22 October 2019
In a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada's President Debi Daviau committed to collaborating with the new government and all parties holding the balance of power to retain a strong public service.
22 October 2019
Letter from President Debi Daviau to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau following his re-election.
18 October 2019
Good day 2019 AGM Delegates and Observers, Congratulations on having been selected to represent your constituent body at the 100th AGM, which will be held on November 8-9, at the Hilton Lac Leamy, in Gatineau, QC.
17 October 2019
We represent thousands of professionals at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). They collect the taxes needed to fund the public services Canadians depend on every day.
16 October 2019
Canada’s public service has some of the world’s best scientists. And they can give us the solutions to the challenges that we face on critical issues such as climate change, food safety, water quality and disease prevention. But they need the resources to do the job.
16 October 2019
PIPSC is celebrating its 100th Annual General Meeting. This year’s AGM theme is Leading Progress. The meeting will take place on November 8-9, 2019 at the Hilton Lac Leamy in Gatineau, QC. 
15 October 2019
Last week, the Conservative party platform revealed cuts to government operations which will dramatically reduce public services Canadians need.
15 October 2019
Every $1 invested in public service tax professionals will generate $4 in public revenue, an analysis by the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) has confirmed
15 October 2019
We represent 13,000 IT workers in the federal government. We’re leading the fight against overpriced consultants. We need to elect a government that will invest in a permanent, not contract, public service.
15 October 2019
On August 29, PIPSC sent questions on our top priorities to the leaders of all the four federal parties running candidates across the country. We have summarized their responses to help you vote for public services.
10 October 2019
With the federal election underway, the government is now in “caretaker mode” which will delay the roll-out of the next phases of the Phoenix Compensation Agreement.
9 October 2019
TABLE OF CONTENTS Agenda Rules of Procedure for PIPSC AGM
9 October 2019
This code was developed based on input from the delegates to the 2018 PIPSC AGM, the Advisory Council and the Board of Directors.
9 October 2019
INTRODUCTION Rules of Procedure are to be used to facilitate the business of the meeting, not to obstruct it.
4 October 2019
Ottawa, October 4, 2019 – PIPSC President Debi Daviau will be speaking to union members outside Place du Portage on Monday morning about the importance of electing a government that closes tax loopholes to pay for climate action.