2019 PIPSC AGM Women’s Workshop a Big Success

On November 8, 2019 PIPSC Vice-President Norma Domey led a two-hour “standing room only” seminar on "Leading with Emotional Intelligence" at the Institute’s 100th Annual General Meeting in Gatineau, Québec.  

Over 50 PIPSC members attended the event, which featured ways to use Emotional Intelligence (EQ) for self-improvement, creating high performing teams, and developing truly visionary leadership.  Its goals were:

  • To understand emotional Intelligence, and learn how to increase your current EQ.
  • To practice easy to use tools to increase your emotional intelligence and leadership skills.
  • To better perceive, use, understand and manage emotions.

The seminar concluded with a debrief of new Women in Science projects being initiated in a number of PIPSC workplaces and a debrief on the Women’s Learning Lab held earlier this Fall in Ottawa.  For more information about the Lab, click here.

The Lab is part of the Institute’s broader effort to influence change for women in science by: 

  • Conducting advocacy and activism campaigns aimed at new or better workplace legislation;
  • Collective bargaining for new and better workplace rights;
  • Supporting consultation presidents at union-management consultation for new and improved human resources policies; and
  • Developing and conducting awareness and education campaigns for our members.

PIPSC will continue to press for progress on these issues, which are of critical importance for thousands of current and future federal scientists.

Meeting in progress

Meeting in progress