
Members belong to Groups, which include all the members of the same bargaining unit. Each Group operates under its own Constitution which must be consistent with Institute By-Laws. Members of the Group elect their own Executive.

As a member,your voice counts and you're encouraged to participate in the activities of your Group.

Institute Sub-Groups are listed under their respective Group page.

Latest Group and Sub-Group News

20 June 2018
While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of this content, no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions. Agreement
20 June 2018
20 June 2018
Committee on Occupational Safety and Health (COSH) Nomination Form Regular PIPSC Members can nominate themselves as employee representative or employee co-chair of the PIPSC Committee on Occupational Safety and Health (COSH). Complete the form below to submit your nomination.
20 June 2018
Bargaining Update and Survey Results Spring 2018 Dear WTEG & WPEG Members The Company and the combined bargaining teams of WTEG and WPEG negotiated March 20-22, April 18 and May 29-31. The last two sessions concentrated on monetary issues.
19 June 2018
Current Executive President - John Michael McPhee Vice-President - Michael Pauley (Past President) Treasurer - Glen MacDonald Secretary - Melissa Cummings Member-at-Large - Sheila MacLean Member-at-Large – Josh Fox Member-at-Large - open
18 June 2018
Employee Wellness Support Plan (EWSP) - Lunch & Learn session You are invited to attend our CS Sub-group’s session on Tuesday, June 26th, 2018, from 12:00 pm to 13:00 pm in Tower A,  room 4066.
18 June 2018
MINUTES / COMPTE RENDU SP Executive Meeting / Rencontre de l’exécutif SP April 10, 2017 / 10 Avril, 2017 Presence / Absence --- Présences / Absences Daniel Ingram (PRA/NWT – PRA/TNO)    P    Norma Domey (NCR – RCN)    P
14 June 2018
The Elections Committee have verified the nominations received for the elections to positions on the SUN-RT Group Executive. The following candidate was successful: President: Thomas Pocrnick - Acclaimed Treasurer:
14 June 2018
MINUTES / COMPTE RENDU SP Executive Meeting / Rencontre de l’exécutif SP November 16, 2017 / 16 novembre, 2017 Presence / Absence --- Présences / Absences Daniel Ingram (PRA/NWT – PRA/TNO) (Note, attended via conference call from 9-11am, 2-4pm)  P
14 June 2018
The new SP Executive held elections for the various roles at its first meeting on June 9, 2018 – here are the results: President - Elizabeth Ptasznik Vice-President - Daniel Ingram Secretary - Marcel C. Beaudoin Treasurer - Donald Lefebvre
13 June 2018
MINUTES / COMPTE RENDU SP Executive Meeting / Rencontre de l’exécutif SP Jan 14th, 2017 Presence / Absence --- Présences / Absences Daniel Ingram (PRA/NWT – PRA/TNO) P   Norma Domey (NCR – RCN)  P Elizabeth Ptasznik (PRA/NWT – PRA/TNO)  P
13 June 2018
Applied Science and Patent Examination (SP) Group Annual General Meeting Saturday June 11, 2016 Lac-Leamy, Gatineau 9.0 AM – 4:30 PM Minutes
12 June 2018
Audit, Commerce and Purchasing Group (AV), Representing AU-CO-PG members is seeking an Executive Appointment for: Member at Large
12 June 2018
Call for participation for the next round of bargaining
12 June 2018
Audit, Commerce and Purchasing Group (AV), Representing AU-CO-PG members is seeking an Executive Appointment for: National Capital Region (NCR) Representative
12 June 2018
We would like to provide an update on the PSTAR grievances, FPSLREB File Nos. 566.34.9832 & 9833 (Myles & Alcock). The Labour Board (FPSLREB) scheduled hearing dates in these matters on October 2-5, 2018 in Toronto. The Board should assign a specific location in Toronto shortly.
11 June 2018
To all members of the House of Commons Procedural Clerks and Analysis and Reference Bargaining Unit.
11 June 2018
Dear Proud CS, The CS Executive is proud to launch the “Groupe CS Group” Mobile App. It is our first version and it will evolve over time, adding more features and functionality from your feedback and suggestions.
11 June 2018
We are pleased to announce that the RO/RCO group has ratified the collective agreement.  Just as we have completed our ratification process, the NRC is concurrently engaging in its ratification process.
11 June 2018
AFS Group Executive Elections:  The Results