
Members belong to Groups, which include all the members of the same bargaining unit. Each Group operates under its own Constitution which must be consistent with Institute By-Laws. Members of the Group elect their own Executive.

As a member,your voice counts and you're encouraged to participate in the activities of your Group.

Institute Sub-Groups are listed under their respective Group page.

Latest Group and Sub-Group News

9 March 2021
A number of MAGE members have contacted me to ask whether the Government of Manitoba’s recent travel restrictions on Order-in-Council appointees applies to us.
4 March 2021
The Commerce & Purchasing (CP) Group executive is seeking nominations for the following 13 executive national positions, elected for a 3-year term.
1 March 2021
The CS bargaining team would like to announce that our new CS collective agreement has been signed. The agreement took effect on February 26, 2021, and applies from December 2018 to December 2021.
1 March 2021
Hello members,
1 March 2021
On February 19, 2021, the Medical Physicist Group voted by majority to ratify a tentative agreement with the Regional Cancer Centres Employers Association.
24 February 2021
Zoom Meeting In attendance: Rose Dong, Andre Saive, Kris Schellekens, Jason Caners, Brody Bell, Pramesh Selliah, Roy Mulchand, David Hakes Regrets: Dennis Savage, Ken Jackson
24 February 2021
Zoom Meeting  In attendance: Rose Dong, David Hakes, Ken Jackson, Kris Schellekens, Pramesh Selliah, Roy Mulchand Regrets: Dennis Savage, Jason Caners, Andre Saive, Brody Bell
24 February 2021
Zoom Virtual Meeting In attendance: Rose Dong, David Hakes, Brody Bell, Andre Saive, Kris Schellekens, Pramesh Selliah, Roy Mulchand Regrets: Dennis Savage, Jason Caners, Ken Jackson
23 February 2021
The Health Sciences (SH) Group is seeking nominations for its executive. Only regular SH members from the following groups are eligible:
22 February 2021
Hello CS Portage Subgroup members, Your CS Portage Subgroup Executive want to hear from you! How are you doing? Are there any topics you would like us to discuss?
19 February 2021
ATTENDEES Stan Buday, Pierre Touchette, Deb Butler, Stacy McLaren, Patricia Williams, Rob Scott, Robert Tellier, Eva Henshaw, Lucille Shears, Karim Chaggani, Tony Goddard, Yvonne Snaddon, Gordon Bulmer *Regrets
17 February 2021
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency – Veterinary Medicine Group Election Committee has verified the results for the 2020 elections.  The Election Committee congratulates the following elected candidates, who will take office immediately:
15 February 2021
Date: Tuesday, March 16, 2021 Time: 12 noon to 1 pm Location: via Zoom (link will be sent later)
11 February 2021
St. John's CS Subgroup Executive Minutes - December 15, 2020
10 February 2021
What is the timeline for the job validation review process? We expect the job validation reviews (JVRs) to begin in late February or early March of 2021. This is subject to change. Classification committees will likely begin their work in late spring or early summer.
5 February 2021
Over the past several weeks, PIPSC CFIA-S&A members in the SR classification have submitted comments on the standardized job descriptions (SJDs) and mapping.
1 February 2021
Hello SP 401 Burrard Subgroup Members,
1 February 2021
   Québec City Chapter of the Retired Members Guild (RMG) MINUTES of the virtual meeting of October 16, 2020.  
1 February 2021
27 January 2021
Nominations are now open for the 2021 SUN-RT Group Executive! There are 7 executive positions, elected for 1 or 2 year terms.