8 January 2025
In the spring of 2024, PIPSC notified their members that the employer was applying for an extension to complete the pay equity process. PIPSC had the opportunity to respond to the Pay Equity Commission on whether they supported the application or not.
16 July 2024
The Employer at CNL will be submitting a request for an extension of 18 months to complete the pay equity plan. The original draft plan was supposed to be posted for review and comments by July 03, 2024 but the employer failed to meet this deadline.
20 June 2024
The Pay Equity Committee at CNL has completed the process of creating job classes which include similar duties, responsibilities, qualifications, and the same compensation plan within the same range of salary rates.
9 May 2024
Hello WTEG members,
As we kick off another round of bargaining, we would like to remind you that your interest and participation are critical as we start the process of renewing our collective agreement.
12 December 2023
The Pay Equity Committee at CNL has been working to develop a proactive pay equity plan. The committee is composed of bargaining agent representatives, including a PIPSC member and staff, non-represented employees and employer representatives.
12 December 2023
The Pay Equity Committee at CNL has been working to develop a proactive pay equity plan. The committee is composed of bargaining agent representatives, including a PIPSC member and staff, non-represented employees and employer representatives.
20 November 2023
Congratulations WTEG, you have voted in favour of your new contract. Thank you to our bargaining team for working hard on ensuring a fair deal for everyone.
Collective Agreement
17 November 2023
PIPSC members working at the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories are now members of the CAAT DB Plus pension plan. Members are strongly encouraged to transfer out their pension account balance. Instructions on how to transfer funds to CAAT and a private locked-in RRSP are provided in
24 October 2023
The WTEG bargaining team is pleased to announce that it has reached a tentative agreement with the Company.
29 September 2023
Both the WTEG and WPEG bargaining teams met in September to do a complete review of the outstanding items in this round of negotiations.
16 May 2023
Hello WTEG Members,
Thank you all for your patience throughout the negotiations. It’s been a long process, as both sides are working hard to reach an agreement.
21 April 2023
Hello WTEG Members
Thank you to all who attended the Town Hall meeting on April 4 at the Whiteshell site to meet with your bargaining team members and the President of the Institute, Jennifer Carr.
2 February 2023
Your team participated in negotiations with the employer from January 23 — 26 in Winnipeg.
15 December 2022
The Group members have voted overwhelmingly in favour of moving from the CERI pension to the CAAT pension. Your executive has asked CNL to move all further pension remittances to the CAAT plan.
12 October 2022
Thank you for the great turnout at the WTEG town hall on September 27, where we shared the results of our bargaining survey.
Your interest and participation are critical as we start the process of renewing our collective agreement.
6 January 2022
PIPSC will plan the potential transition to the CAAT defined benefit pension. Learn about this plan’s highlights.
2 May 2019
While every effort is made to ensure accuracy of this content, no responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions.
22 October 2018
We are pleased to announce that the WTEG group has ratified the collective agreement on Friday October 19th, 2018. This new collective agreement will be in force until June 30th, 2022.
16 October 2018
You are being asked to vote on the WTEG tentative agreement. You have been provided the opportunity to review all of the proposed changes to your collective agreement
18 September 2018
Dear Members,
As many of you are aware, your WTEG & WPEG negotiating committee is very close to entering into conciliation with the employer and is trying its best to secure a contract that balances both a good work life & personal life for all the members in WTEG and WPEG.
11 July 2018
As the negotiations for the renewal of your collective agreements continue in to the fall (2018), your bargaining teams would like to clarify the issue of hours of work. Negotiations have happened around moving to a 40 hour work week. Though at this time this proposal has not yet been signed off. We are still discussing compensation for the 40 hours, format of the 40 hours, start times, and how to calculate accrual and use of leave (vacation, sick leave, etc).
6 July 2018
PIPSC members with a gross annual income of less than $40,000 are eligible to apply for reimbursement of part of their union dues.
20 June 2018
Bargaining Update and Survey Results Spring 2018
Dear WTEG & WPEG Members
The Company and the combined bargaining teams of WTEG and WPEG negotiated March 20-22, April 18 and May 29-31. The last two sessions concentrated on monetary issues.
28 March 2018
Invitation to All Members Meeting Thursday April 5, 2018
WTEG and WPEG members
14 February 2018
The parties met again in Beausejour, MB on January 30, 31 and February 1, 6, 7 & 8, 2018. Additional dates are being scheduled for March or April.
18 January 2018
The parties met in Beausejour, MB on January 9, 10 and 11, 2018. Additional dates are scheduled for January 30, 31 and February 1, 2018 and also February 6, 7 and 8, 2018, once again in Beausejour.
4 December 2017
The three parties met November 28, 29, and 30, 2017 in Winnipeg, MB and are scheduled to meet again in Beauséjour, MB on January 9, 10 and 11, 2018. Additional tentative dates are scheduled for late January and February, 2018.
9 November 2017
All three parties met to continue bargaining in Winnipeg on November 1, 2 and 3, 2017.
1 November 2017
The Company, WTEG, and WPEG met in Winnipeg from October 23-25, 2017. Together the three teams have begun interest based negotiations.