L'Institut professionnel de la fonction publique du Canada


17 juin 2024
Joignez-vous à nos expert·es en pensions, Colby Briggs et Demi Francoeur, pour connaître les détails de votre régime de pension à prestations déterminées. La séance en anglais sera enregistrée et publiée ultérieurement sur notre site Web. 
3 avril 2024
Les élections de 2024 à l'exécutif du groupe ont été organisées par le comité national des élections de l'Institut à la demande du groupe. Une période initiale de mise en candidature de quatre (4) semaines n'a donné lieu qu'à une seule candidature pour deux (2) des six (6) postes vacants.
8 avril 2022
Submit your nomination for available union leadership roles by Friday, May 6, 2022.
16 septembre 2020
The BCFNHA group executive is looking for members who would be interested in becoming part of the bargaining team for the next round of collective bargaining (contract negotiations) with the employer.
15 octobre 2019
IMPORTANT TELECONFERENCE DATE:  Tuesday October 22 2019 TIME:  12 NOON Call in number:  1-855-453-6962 ID number:  4692480
22 janvier 2019
The union gives us an excellent opportunity to look after our jobs. We can be directly involved in negotiating work conditions that are fair and progressive. These conditions are written into a legally binding collective agreement. The union also gives us the opportunity to sit on committees that can promote better communication, mutual respect and understanding with management.
12 décembre 2018
Our latest collective agreement includes establishing a remote nursing sub-committee. The purpose of the committee is to inquire into the circumstances that lead to concerns about administrative or operational inequities experienced by nurses in remote stations as compared to nurses working in other locations of the employer.
6 novembre 2018
NOTICE OF BCFNHA AGM BCFNHA Members are invited and encouraged to attend the BCFNHA PIPSC Group  Annual General meeting  Date:  Thursday, November 22, 2018 Time:  6pm (PST)- Refreshments; 6:45pm AGM BCFNHA GROUP-PIPSC
6 juillet 2018
Les membres de l’IPFPC dont le revenu annuel brut est inférieur à 40 000 $ peuvent demander le remboursement d’une partie de leurs cotisations syndicales.
21 février 2018
Your BCFNHA Bargaining was at the bargaining table last week and is pleased to announce that we have finalized bargaining and reached a tentative agreement with the employer to renew your Collective Agreement. Your bargaining team unanimously recommends the adoption of the tentative agreement.
20 novembre 2017
AGENDA PIPSC FNHA Group 2017 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Thursday, November 30, 2017
20 novembre 2017
You are invited and encouraged to attend the PIPSC BCFNHA Group Annual General Meeting Date: Thursday, November 30, 2017 Time: 6pm (PST) Place: Hilton, 5911 Minoru Blvd, Richmond, BC
25 octobre 2017
Your bargaining team of Sharon Trasatti, Kellie Moorman and Nicholas Pernal (PIPSC Negotiator), met with the FNHA on August 22-24 and again October 3-5, 2017 for the first two bargaining sessions.
17 octobre 2017
Notice  of BCFNHA AGM You are invited and encouraged  to attend the BCFNHA PIPSC Group AGM. Date: Thursday,  November  30,  2017 Time: 6pm Place: Hilton, 5911 Minoru Blvd, Richmond, BC
17 octobre 2017
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS - BCFNHA The Call for Nominations is for the following six (6) positions on the BCFNHA Group Executive: 1. President 2. Vice President 3. Secretary 4. Treasurer 5. Member-at-Large 6. Member-at-Large
13 juillet 2017
It’s time to give us your input for your contract! You collective agreement has expired, and now it is time to re-negotiate with the employer for better wages and working conditions.  The BCFNHA bargaining team will be holding 2 conference calls in order to obtain your input on w
7 avril 2017
The BCFNHA group executives are seeking individuals from the general membership who are working in the Vancouver area and who would be interested in becoming part of the bargaining team for the next round of collective bargaining (negotiations) with the employer.