L'Institut professionnel de la fonction publique du Canada

The BCFNHA group executives are seeking individuals from the general membership who are working in the Vancouver area and who would be interested in becoming part of the bargaining team for the next round of collective bargaining (negotiations) with the employer. If you are interested in joining the bargaining team or would like more information, then please contact the Sharon Trasatti-President of the BCFNHA group at: 250-338-7528 or email trasatti@telus.net by April 25, 2017.

Please note that this is a commitment which may last for up to one year or more depending on how the process unfolds. The general time commitment is between 3 to 5 days in a week when bargaining is scheduled. You will be liberated from your work tasks for bargaining sessions with the employer. In addition to the actual bargaining time, bargaining team members will participate in teleconferencing with their team (lunch hour teleconferences), reaching out to members for input, and then sending updates to members throughout the bargaining process.”

In Solidarity,

Sharon Trasatti