Regions and Branches

The Institute is comprised of six geographical Regions: Atlantic, Québec, Ontario, National Capital, Prairie/Northwest Territories and British Columbia/Yukon.

Each Region is normally structured to provide a minimum of three levels of organization consisting of: the Regional Council, the Regional Executive and Branches.The Directors elected in each Region may be the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Regional Executive and the Regional Council. The Regional Executive acts as a steering and administrative committee for the Regional Council and meets periodically between bi-yearly meetings. The objectives of the Regional Council are:

  • to support the goals of the Institute as they pertain to special concerns of the Region;
  • to present regional views at the AGM in the form of resolutions, or submit them to the Board of Directors and other decision-making bodies.

Institute Branches are listed under their respective Region page.

Latest Regional News

23 January 2020
On behalf of the Atlantic Regional Executive of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC), as a member of the Prince Edward Island Branch you are invited to express your interest to sit in as an observer at our upcoming Atlantic Regional Executive meeting being held at th
23 January 2020
PIPSC 100th Anniversary Celebration WHEN:  Thursday February 6, 2020
23 January 2020
On February 6, 1920, the Professional Institute of the Civil Service of Canada (PICSC) came into existence as a formidable community of employee advocates. 
23 January 2020
NCR Regional Council 2020 CALL FOR DELEGATES May 1 and 2, 2020 The NCR Regional Council will be held on Friday, May 1 and Saturday, May 2, 2020 at the Hilton Lac-Leamy in Gatineau QC.
23 January 2020
Prairie/NWT Regional Labour School 2020 April 30, May 1 and 2 Matrix Hotel Edmonton, Alberta  
23 January 2020
On behalf of the PIPSC Atlantic Young Professionals Committee (AYPC), as a member of the Prince Edward Island Branch you are invited to express your interest to sit in as an observer at our upcoming meeting being held at the Delta Prince Edward, Charlottetown, PE.  We are limited to two observers
23 January 2020
Food and organic waste at work Happy New Year to you all!
22 January 2020
PIPSC WINNIPEG and SOUTHERN MANITOBA BRANCH EXECUTIVE Meeting – October 22, 2019 at 5:00 pm 960-363 Broadway Ave., Winnipeg, MB   Minutes
22 January 2020
AGENDA FOR PIPSC SIMCOE-GREY BRANCH (PSGB) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Meeting #:  2020-01 Time:  21 January 2020 @ 5 pm    
22 January 2020
PIPSC 100th Anniversary Reception – February 6, 2020 To: PIPSC Members in the Northern BC Branch From: Peter MacDougall, President Northern BC Branch RE: PIPSC 100th Anniversary Lunch
22 January 2020
The Okanagan Branch is holding a mid-winter bowling event for members in the South Okanagan from 7:00 – 9:00pm on Friday, January 31, 2020. The event will be at the Roll N Stones Fun Centre, 1035 Westminster Ave., Penticton and will feature ten-pin laser bowling along with food and a beverage.
22 January 2020
The Atlantic Regional Executive is looking for volunteers to participate as members of the Atlantic Young Professionals Committee (AYPC).
20 January 2020
20 January 2020
20 January 2020
2020 Whitehorse Member Outreach – Tuesday, January 21st, 2020! Attention all PIPSC Members (AV, CS, SP, & NR) Looking for an update on Phoenix… consultations…bargaining… and your new collective agreement?
20 January 2020
2020 Whitehorse Member Outreach – Tuesday, January 21st, 2020! Attention all PIPSC Members (CS & SP) Come have coffee with the Regional Director of PIPSC BC/Yukon Region  
20 January 2020
2020 Member Outreach – Kamloops - Attention all PIPSC Members (AV, CS, SP, NR & SH) Looking for an update on Phoenix… consultations…bargaining… and your new collective agreement? Come out and meet your new stewards!
20 January 2020
MEETING PRAIRIE/NORTHWEST TERRITORIES REGIONAL EXECUTIVE (“PRE”) MEETING. Held at: Courtyard Marriott Hotel, Edmonton, Alberta.      START TIME 8:30 AM END TIME 6:00 PM  DATE October 4, 2019.
20 January 2020
It’s our birthday, and you’re invited! PIPSC turns 100 on February 6, 2020.  Join your fellow members for a celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada.
20 January 2020
2020 ONTARIO REGION EVENTS 2020 February Basic Steward Training   The Grand Hotel & Suites, Toronto Thursday (1:00 p.m.) February 6 to Saturday February 8, 2020